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NCFM quoted in Associated Press re victory for battered men in WV

October 8, 2009

Judge: W.Va. shelter rules biased against men

Associated Press
10/08/09 10:15 AM PDT


“The West Virginia legal challenge is among a growing number of battles being waged across the country by groups that allege state laws requiring gender-neutral programs are skewed by discriminatory rules and regulations that embrace gender biases.  ‘We’re not trying to belittle women who are abused, we’re trying to raise awareness” that men are also victims,’ said Marc Angelucci with the National Coalition For Men who secured a similar court victory in California last October.  An appeals court there invalidated parts of that state’s Health and Safety Code and Penal Code last year, saying they were unconstitutional because they excluded men from programs and services supported by nearly $22 million in taxpayer money each year”

“One of the biggest changes, though, has been to increase awareness of men as victims, Angelucci said, pointing to a 2001 study by the Centers for Disease Control that showed women are just as likely as men to commit domestic violence.”

One Response to NCFM quoted in Associated Press re victory for battered men in WV

  1. Iris on July 11, 2012 at 7:47 PM

    So glad that the awareness are that men are being abused. Some women have abused men and taken their children while nothing have been done for the men. Every time a woman threatens a man that she will call the police and say he is abusing her if he doesn’t do something. is abusing a man. This happens all to frequently. Unfortunately, I know of this sickening type of abuse and how one woman used this technique who had a loving husband. She also took his child away.

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