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Newspaper musings peeing standing up, selling babies, Johnny Depp, LGBT Studies, DNA, butchering and cooking husband, false rape accusation, and gazillion dollar divorce

October 13, 2011

Newspaper musings peeing standing up, selling babies, Johnny Depp, LGBT Studies, DNA, butchering and cooking husband, false rape accusation, and gazillion dollar divorce.

I had a couple of stacks of aging newspapers collecting dust and cramping my work space. I figured this morning I’d go through them and see why they were on one of my desks instead of in recycle bin. Sitting down I decided to check my email first. Big mistake…

No more peeing standing up

NCFM member Al Rava sent me a link to an article about a Vancouver restaurant banning men from peeing standing up. Having been raised in Alaska I usually considered Canada a friend. I was dismayed that their culture might be returning to a nation of squatters. Rural Canooks will resist such change since squatting on an outhouse wood plank at sixty below zero is problematic if not a bit tacky.

I went back to newspapers.

Steven Jobs and selling babies

Front page, Apple’s visionary iconic leader dies. Window machines in our offices, a Mac at the house. I bought one of the first Macs in 1985. Still have Word 1.0 3.5 floppy disk. Scary how anyone person can do what Jobs did. He will be sorely missed. Just to the right on the front page is an article about three women selling babies, defrauding California health care programs, and illegally distributing fertility drugs. One is an attorney.  Women should run the world since they are more kind and nurturing than men. Men, as we often hear, contribute little or nothing to society.

I apologize for feeling like I’ve been raped says Johnny Depp and Kristen Stewart

Next page, lower right hand corner, in the “People” section, Johnny Depp when talking about people taking his picture reportedly apologized for saying “you just feel like you are being raped somehow”. It was also reported that Kristen Stewart told British Elle last summer that paparazzi cameras made her feel “like I’m looking at someone being raped.” She apologized too. Aren’t we supposed to get in touch with our inner self and express our feelings?

LGBT Studies and perpetuating misandry

Next, “San Diego STATE TO OFFER DEGREE IN LGBT STUDIES”.  San Diego State is home to the first Women Studies degree program, not just in the United States, but the first one on the planet. It launched in 1972. Now there are over 400 in the United States and another 1,000 or so scattered around the globe. This go-round Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, N.Y. first offered an LGBT Studies degree, SDSU is the second. Maybe SDSU is slipping?  It’s reported that the curriculum contains no material adversely reflecting people on the basis of sexual identity. I’m guessing that’s not quite right re the inevitable discussions about patriarchy and those horrendous family units which for eons indentured wives to a life of misery. Academically and formally, the integration of misandry arguably started right here, right here at SDSU, in May 1972, when Women Studies degree programs launched. In many ways it’s been downhill for men ever since, gay, heterosexual, or otherwise.  Here comes more “Meism” disguised as “Weism”.

DNA frees Michael Mortan

According to a Los Angeles Times article, DNA tests freed Texan Michael Morton after spending 25 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Barry Scheck of the Innocence Project said there were grave acts of prosecutorial misconduct.  The prosecutor is now a state judge.  You figure it out.

Omaima Nelson murdered husband, cut him up, and ate him

Same L.A. Times, different article, “D.A. to fight parole bid Ex-model who cut up husband, ate body parts seeks release”.  Parole was denied. Omaima said, “”I swear to God I did not eat any part of him. I am not a monster”.  Apparently police found her husband’s hand in a fry cooker.  Defense used the abuse excuse, blamed it on her husband and other men.  Jury rejected it.

Women sentenced for making false accusation of rape

Twin Cities StarTribune in 2009 reported that Trisha Farkarlun was convicted of falsely accusing two police officers of rape. She was sentenced to one year in prison though most of her sentence was stayed. She only spent 20 days in jail. Officer Gillies said, “People will always remember I was accused. They won’t remember I didn’t do it”. If convicted, the officers would have been sentenced to decades in prison. So should have been Farkarlun. If people were held accountable for making false accusations then people would learn to take more care pointing dirty fingers.

Billionaire Brandes Left Lion’s Share in Divorce

Charles Brandes is San Diego, California’s richest man with an estimated worth after the divorce of $1.3 billion. At the last hearing, his ex, Linda, was awarded $10,052,042 cash and $485,000 per month spousal support. Before that she got five residences worth more than $40 million, an art collection valued at $7.3 million, and $19 million in cash. I attended several court hearings in this case. At one hearing I counted 38 four inch binders scattered around the court room. I forget how many attorneys attended the hearings, but all of them would not fit comfortably in an airport shuttle van. The only real winners here were the attorneys. There has to be a better way.

I decided to throw the rest of the newspapers in the trash along with those above. There’s only so much one can take at anyone given time. And, I have over 400 emails beckoning to sink me like Sirens to Ulysses.

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One Response to Newspaper musings peeing standing up, selling babies, Johnny Depp, LGBT Studies, DNA, butchering and cooking husband, false rape accusation, and gazillion dollar divorce

  1. Will_Wallace_LA on October 15, 2011 at 5:58 PM

    Brilliant, Harry, all of it.

    "Aren’t we supposed to get in touch with our inner self and express our feelings?" Oh absolutely, well, except when we wouldn't want any 'inconvenient truths' to leak out, of course.

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