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NCFM Award Winner Craig Candelore recognized by CBS for “Great Dads” program in San Diego

April 17, 2018

dadsCongratulations Craig!

SAN DIEGO (NEWS 8) – Being a dad can be a difficult and sometimes a thankless job, but a San Diego law firm is making sure the fathers who have a positive impact on the community do not go unnoticed.

Jason Kreidman is a father of two and the latest recipient of the Men’s Legal Center’s “Great Dad” award.

“It feels really good to know that people recognize that you are making an effort,” he said.

Kreidman is also the founder of Dad University. After his second child was born, Kreidman recalls having a lot to figure and learn in fatherhood.

“Giving yourself the ability to make mistakes, guys are very hard on themselves and that is a big thing. I learned to accept the fact I can’t be perfect at everything,” he said.

In 2012, a parenting class inspired him to start a dads’ meet-up. The meet-ups were followed by a podcast, a dad university and finally, his own YouTube channel.

“The idea is allow men to talk about it. You can still be masculine. You can still be a “man.” You are allowed to show emotion, show emotion and be a good parent,” he said.

The inspiration was noticed by Men’s Legal Center which represents fathers and other men who may be fighting a custody battle.

“If you stay connected, they do better in school, better self-esteem, better health,” said the Men’s Legal Center founder, Craig Candelore.

Candelore said he wants to change fatherless statistics.

Four years ago, the Men’s Legal Center started the “Great Dads” program – recognizing single and married fathers.

“I think the Great Dad program is important to acknowledge people. If you want people to emulate you, acknowledge them,” said Candelore.

“Great Dad’s” receive a plaque and recognition on social media.

To submit or nominate a “Great Dad” who is a father, mentor or role model visit:

Read the rest of the article at:

NOTE: the interview was held in our office building and shared conference room.

national coalition for men

NCFM Award Winner Craig Candelore recognized by CBS for “Great Dads” in San Diego

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