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NCFM distributes educational flyer throughout Congress

August 29, 2011

Male Electorate

Up For Grabs

In 2008, men represented 47% of the total voting public. But of all the major blocs of the American electorate, the male electorate is probably the least-understood and most-ignored.

As TV commentator Tucker Carlson explains, men represent “America’s single most important voting bloc.”

Male Electorate Swings Most Races

Although the male electorate is somewhat smaller, the female electorate tends to be splintered. As a result, the male vote is more likely to determine the outcome. For example, in the 2010 Massachusetts Senate election, 52% of women gave the nod to Democrat Martha Coakley. But a stunning 60% of men voted in favor of Republican Scott Brown, handing an upset victory to the GOP candidate.

“With the possible exception of 1996, women have never voted a candidate into the White House when men thought the other guy should win.” — Former Brandeis University professor Linda Hirshman

What Do Men Want?

Eight out of 10 persons who lost their jobs in the current recession are males, especially minority men. In general, men prefer to reduce the national debt and scale down taxes.

But increasingly, men are concerned with broader social issues… you can see the whole flyer by clicking on this link 110827 SAVE NCFM Male Electorate Up for Grabs flyer

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5 Responses to NCFM distributes educational flyer throughout Congress

  1. Good Old Fred on September 2, 2011 at 6:37 AM

    That men allowed Joe Biden, perhaps the author and lead promoter of VAWA, to run for VP without outrage in the press, was something that I considered to be the biggest failing of our activism at that time. We could have emasculated Obama's campaign by bringing the truth of it's misandry to national scrutiny, but for some reason, we did not. Shame on any man who voted Obama/Biden for that reason. If you liked Obama, you should have forced him to pick another running mate, and resoundingly telling the press why. We could have nuked radical feminism. We still can. Focus on Biden if he remains the running mate. I guarantee that he will become our useful idiot.

  2. Ray2447 on September 2, 2011 at 12:48 AM

    One day males will chew off that gender feminist, jack boot standing on their throats – – – chew off that gender feminist, jack boot that has them pinned in the societal gutter – – – and rise up en masse to voice their opposition to the misandry being foisted on them by gender feminism. :-/

  3. Will_Wallace_LA on August 31, 2011 at 10:11 PM

    You guys are on a role, hitting all the notes. I am really pleased.

  4. Antony on August 30, 2011 at 9:55 AM

    Good Job Harry !

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