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NCFM Member Tim Patten on Toxic Femininity and Rape

March 30, 2016

rape culture


Rape is an atrocious power-act of sexual assault. It is also a word that is recklessly bandied about by women’s groups, who exploit it for financial gain and a quest for political supremacy. In fact, references to this inflammatory term seem as ubiquitous as the GEICO ads that blanket our airwaves. According to gender theorists, our so-called rape culture is a byproduct of a social setting where this heinous act has become pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.[i] They say it is commonplace, an extreme manifestation of pervasive misogyny and sexism, and has caused post-trauma distress and health problems in a great many women.

All men are potential rapists

Some radicalized individuals go even further. They maintain that the fashion industry’s use of female models to market their products, Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue, pornography, and even some innocent tenets of modern day society promote rape as a guilt-free act. The loudest and most enthusiastic among them–who scream at men for objectifying women— are angry bullies. Sara Silverman[ii], science blogger Greg Laden,[iii] the angry lesbian Feminist Fatale [iv] and others say that “all men are potential rapists.”

Every year, women’s groups exploit college campus events ostensibly aimed at raising awareness of rape, but which end up decrying what activists say is a culture where men regularly assault women. These events encourage protests by college girls dressed as “sluts,” some carrying mattresses (where they were allegedly raped),[v] and promote speakers[vi] who share darkly intimate details or read poetry about being raped.[vii] Audiences are encouraged to discard the veil of shame, to speak out and file sexual assault claims and seek counsel at rape and women’s studies centers.

At these and other events, men are vilified with distorted statistics and manipulative psychological profiles of those who have been “victimized,” helping to empower women to throw such accusations around freely and without hesitation. Intended or not, the protests also encourage females to view such actions as fair retaliation against any man who ever cheated on a woman; in the advocates’ eyes, they enable young girls to fight back against male domination.

Mothers: millions of your daughters will be raped on campus

In the media and across the country, parents, notably mothers, are repeatedly warned about misogynistic male predators who are raping their daughters on college campuses. According to those ringing the alarm, 20% to 25% of females will be sexually assaulted sometime during their college careers.[viii] In other words, out of the roughly 12 million women who are enrolled in college, two to three million will be impacted by acts of rape committed by men. Some of them maintain, however, that the actual numbers are substantially higher. They note that women’s studies departments are regularly flooded with thousands of calls from girls claiming they have been victimized, but who don’t identify themselves or file official claims with colleges or authorities.

The incidents seem to have a number of things in common. Data indicates that most sexual attacks occur on party nights–Friday or Saturday–between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. Almost all involve women who say they were assaulted by a friend they were out with, or a date or acquaintance they met at a bar, party or frat house.[ix]

Nearly half of all rape allegations are being made by lesbians

According to reports, 46% of those registering these allegations are self-identified lesbians.[x][xi] The obvious question, of course, is, “Why?” There are three possible answers: first, lesbian-on-lesbian assaults lie at the root of this so-called epidemic; second, men are, for one reason or another, drawn to raping lesbians, in particular; and third, the accusers are making false assertions.

Diffused and confused by numbers and facts

Some might say that college administrators should spend more time studying STEM subjects because data on campus rapes is so diffused, confused and distorted that it is impossible to get an accurate read on the situation. Among other things, women’s studies departments have succeeded in blurring the lines between various acts: catcalls, verbal harassment, unwanted kissing, unwanted touching, penetration without or with forgotten consent, and forced penetration are all characterized as “rape.” Reports omit key details; aggregate statistics are often dubious or contradictory, at best.

Many observers maintain, in fact, that campus assault numbers are inflated—they represent a “rape hoax,” a theme explored in a 1993 Newsweek cover story, “Sexual Correctness.” In her article, Sarah Crichton noted that “in the rape-crisis mentality, the numbers keep being bloated.”[xii] At the very least, it is an imperfect process[xiii] that can needlessly pump up the statistics on sexual assaults; it can also be self-serving, enabling those who are behind such efforts to boost influence, political power and financial donations to their cause.

Government statistics conflicts with college-level data

Official government data lends further support to the notion that the scale of the problem is seriously overstated. Department of Justice data reveals that the assault rate is 0.61%,[xiv] not even close to the 20% to 25% tally being recklessly thrown about by women’s studies “experts” and the lapdog-like mainstream media. The CDC, meanwhile, has raised questions about women registering fake claims.[xv] [xvi] [xvii] [xviii]

Not surprisingly, feminists and women’s studies activists assert that few of the alleged victims are providing false information; others maintain, however, that almost 50% of those who are making such claims are lying.[xix] [xx] No one knows for sure because hardly anyone is keeping accurate tabs.[xxi] In May 2015, the Huffington Post reported that men had filed 106 federal lawsuits against the colleges they attended over false claims and due process infractions in connection with such allegations.[xxii] [xxiii]

Men are the problem and must be admonished?

But such facts don’t seem to matter to the feminist propagandizers. In most cases, rape protests and other such events are religiously focused on one conclusion: men are abusers and perpetrators and women are unfortunate victims. As the activists see it, the crux of the matter is that men must be taught–or perhaps forced–not to commit rape. The ideology of oppressive and sexually violent male behavior is rampant on campuses, making such accusations all the more questionable. As is often the case, the more level-headed among them fail to speak up and challenge such baseless assertions.

The failure of rape protests

It is ironic that the “epidemic” of on-campus assaults has not declined, but has flourished since rape-culture activism took off in the 1970s. In fact, the so-called problem is bigger now than ever, if the activists are to be believed. For all their efforts, these profiteers have not found a solution; they have not, for example, delved into figuring out what motivates such attacks. Instead, they have been the progenitors of a billion-dollar industry, one that keeps thousands of mostly female rape crisis and women’s studies center workers employed.

The truth is, genuine attempts to fix the problem could benefit and save lives, a gift from our higher angels; instead, the mission has been maligned and twisted into a political agenda controlled by radicalized activists. In cases where women have actually been hurt or abused, they are frequently misled by women’s and gender studies dogma into thinking that hating men is the only real solution, leading to a swelling of the ranks of this misguided cause.

43% of boys and men assaulted by women

Another, more serious concern stems from an essential misunderstanding. While it may seem obvious that the victims are females and the perpetrators are males, the facts indicate otherwise: millions of boys and men have been coerced and forced into unwanted sexual situations. According to Time,[xxiv] “43% of high school boys and young college men reported they had an unwanted sexual experience and of those, 95% said a female acquaintance was the aggressor.” Another survey[xxv] found more men (62.7%) than women (46.3%) had experienced unwanted intercourse.

An even more insidious form of abuse is causing serious harm to some teen boys. In middle and high schools, female teachers are reportedly using their authority, power and privilege over 14-year old students to force sexual encounters. [xxvi][xxvii] The damaging fallout from these assaults can be seen in brief videos posted by those who have been victimized, including MGTOW Jerry Liu, who, as a seventh-grader, was assaulted by privileged white girls (watch video here), and Will, who was raped by a female teacher (watch video here).

In fact, study after study reveals that men are being sexually coerced. And yet, on college campuses, in particular, male-related issues and concerns are generally ignored, overlooked or boycotted. That is despite the fact that males who have been violated suffer in the same way as female counterparts; they experience guilt, fear, powerlessness, shame, distrust, betrayal, anger, and denial.[xxviii]

Reducing rape incidents

Rape is an act of power over another person. The urge to violate another develops in men and women[xxix] from an early age, stemming in large part from misplaced rage.[xxx] That said, sexual assault is not a women’s or men’s issue, nor is it a liberal or conservative issue. Rape is a human issue.

Unfortunately, anti-male activists have managed to block efforts to eliminate or at least reduce rape through targeted efforts and appropriately structured programs, preferring elitist power grabs over real solutions. Now more than ever, we should be seeking to understand what is leading individuals to commit such heinous acts and then work to prevent them from occurring. Instead, campus bullies have effectively hijacked the mandate; they wallow in the ugly power of an emotive mantra and relish the idea of demeaning all men as potential rapists.[xxxi]

New male studies needed


Click on the map what you can do with a degree in women’s studies and while transforming the world.

Self-serving women’s studies’ agendas and misguided rape-culture protests make matters much worse for males who’ve been assaulted by females. Stereotyping men as rapists is an insult, seriously demeaning those who are suffering and asking for help. Embers of shame and distrust burn within them; it is society’s responsibility to pay heed and provide them with help and protection. Like women, boys and men also need safe places where they can go and get help–male studies office should be available on every campus.

Men and women have different needs in regard to treatment and prevention. There is no need to end or cripple, however, what females have, but men need relief, too. All that men are asking for is dignity and equality, rather than so-called support options that lopsidedly favor only one segment of our society. Colleges must respond to this urgent need by developing facilities and curricula devoted to men’s studies and gender issues, helping to keep them revitalized and to improve their wellbeing.

Our world’s communities depend on the astounding innovations from all inhabitants to harness our planet’s resources, reenergize our societies, and develop a cleaner, brighter future. By definition, that means the needs of both women and men must be taken into account.

About the author

Tim Patten has just released MGTOW, Building Wealth and Power. He also wrote WHY I CHEAT11 campfire stories for men’s ears only. Both books are a celebration of masculinity and pay homage to the modern men’s liberation movement. Patten previously published the novel about establishing gender equality in professional sports, Roller Babes: 1950s Women of Roller Derby. His autobiography of self-discovery, My Razzle Dazzle is penned by Todd Peterson.































national coalition for men

Rape is a serious crime, so should be false accusations of rape which can be even more devastating to the falsely accused, his family, friends, and future.

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7 Responses to NCFM Member Tim Patten on Toxic Femininity and Rape

  1. Johnny on April 21, 2016 at 7:12 PM

    Modern day witch hunt! And for the record, women can, and have, raped men.

  2. itsthepatriarchy on April 8, 2016 at 2:52 AM

    Par for the course in the world of men…

  3. Academia Sukun on April 4, 2016 at 7:55 AM

    According to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2005, 2013, 2014 (NCVS) as reported by the US DoJ Bureau of Crime Statistics, the rate of “rape/sexual assault” is between 0.8 – 1.1 assaults per 1,000 population aged 12 or older!

    Or, 0.11%! << TOTAL NUMBER OF RAPES

    With the prevalence rate of "rape/sexual assault victims" at around 0.6 victims per 1,000 population aged 12 or older!

    Or, 0.06%! << TOTAL NUMBER OF VICTIMS.

    See Tables 1 & 4 of

    That is 10 times lower than the figure quoted in the above article.

    If interested in feminism you are challenged to give your view at

  4. M. Conzachi on April 1, 2016 at 12:38 PM

    Very well researched and written Tim. It’s amazing how much destruction can be had with decades of indoctrination and brain washing of which, the so-called college women’s studies programs; which simply should be called indoctrination centers of hate, are at the root of the problem.

  5. C.V. Compton Shaw on March 31, 2016 at 5:57 PM

    Thank you for the very interesting, well written, and informative original article by Tim Patten.
    The following is the URL of an article entitled: “Feminism and the Law” which is on the Men’s Rights on line sight, The American Gentleman.:
    It describes how radical, discriminatory, and unjust feminist laws have victimized men in the USA

    • NCFM on April 1, 2016 at 10:54 AM

      Thank you. Excellent and important article. We’ve posted it on our Facebook page and may find a place for it on our website as well.

  6. Rick Martin on March 31, 2016 at 9:13 AM

    Excellent article!

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