NCFM False Rape Accusation Update

Print 🖨 PDF 📄Almost every month we read of another man freed from prison because the false accusations that caused their incarceration were later proven false or a woman recanted. Even if there is no conviction, a false allegation of rape emotionally, socially, and economically destroys a person and their immediate and often extended families. False accusations of rape is psychological rape.  Yet, the names of the accusers are protected while the names of the accused are not. False accusations are hard to measure and there is not much available research. However, what little research there is, that is scientific research, shows the problem is much more common than we are told.  Moreover, it is politically incorrect to fund massive studies about false accusations of any sort. Some studies show that 50% or more of allegations examined are false. According to an expert quoted in the CBC News Story Barrhaven sexual assault never a happened…, “for a four-year period from 2003-2007, 31 per cent of sexual assault claims that Ottawa Police investigated were dismissed as unfounded — that is, they never happened — as opposed to unsubstantiated, where there isn’t enough evidence to follow the case.” The claim that only 2% of rape accusations are … Continue reading NCFM False Rape Accusation Update