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NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis

September 21, 2018


Read with a little salt, and HIGHLY recommended!

The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis. San Bernardino, California: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. 187 pages. No price on book but book listed for $11.76 on Review by J. Steven Svoboda.

A quite possibly pseudonymous author who goes by the name Bob Lewis has released a book that will not be met with indifference by many readers. A good number of memorable quotes and important information lies between the pages of The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. The book also suffers from a bad need for a skilled editor as well as a tone that periodically flips from aggressive antifeminism into outright hostility. Not that I necessarily mind that but some readers may. Regarding the editing, inevitably some doubt may be cast on an author who titles a chapter, “The Wage Gape Lie” and speaks of Kennedy’s “Equal Protection Act” when he means the “Equal Pay Act.”

In any event, let’s focus on the many positive aspects of The Feminist Lie, aspects infinitely more important than any minor areas for improvement. I always appreciate a book that exposes me to information or formulations I can’t recall seeing before, and this book has plenty of that. The entire second chapter, titled, “History Feminists Ignore,” documents historical example after historical example of powerful women from past centuries. Cleopatra and Joan of Arc are certainly mentioned but also the countless others about whom we never hear, whom, the author reasonably argues, demonstrate the fallacious nature of feminist arguments about an oppressive patriarchy. Egypt had many other female queens, and a fourteen-year-old Spanish girl earned her doctorate in law while Shakespeare was still alive and writing some of his final plays. An all women’s college was founded in Quebec nearly 400 years ago and continues to operate today.

I like the author’s plain truth-speaking, as when he clearly states, “With the notable exception of Islam, no large or well-established governments were ever implemented for the expressed [sic] purpose of oppressing women.” Lewis also documents the racism and misandry of many of the most famous historical feminists. Both Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton opposed giving blacks the vote. Prominent early feminist and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a huge fan of eugenics and a white supremacist. The author notes that Sanger’s writings admit that she created Planned Parenthood in order to “exterminate” African-Americans as well as to limit the population of poor people. Sanger also supported Hitler’s forced sterilization laws.

The author does a number on former Playboy bunny Gloria Steinem, who fabricated evidence outright in her ride to the top, created a fictitious book title that she never in fact published, and finally collaborated with the Central Intelligence Agency, creating detailed dossiers on participants in women’s festivals.

There are a few points where I believe Lewis’ ardor overtakes his objectivity and he goes a bit off the deep end. Is there evidence for Lewis’ suggestion that today “Planned Parenthood targets African-American communities for birth control and abortion”?  He devotes too many pages to a suicide note though the case is very compelling and it is hilarious and ridiculous that feminist activists apparently tried to copyright the suicide note to control its distribution. The author also overdoes his criticisms of both male and female feminists, engaging in general speculation about their sexual and romantic lives that is a little embarrassing to read. His fear that pedophilia may become incorporated into lesbian and gay activism seems far-fetched. I did enjoy learning about social justice warriors and about the meme wars being fought and in some cases won by men’s rights activists on the Internet.

Lewis also paints a convincing picture—which one might think unnecessary but which in fact we do sadly need–of the importance of family to individuals’ life success. Even in high-crime, low-income neighborhoods, an intact family with a mother’s strong affection and a father’s authority and involvement offer a great buffer against a life of crime and for success. The author continues, “feminism’s war on marriage is directly responsible for creating families without fathers.”

The author asks why feminism ignores male homelessness, the fact that more women attend college today than men, and perhaps most critically, the fact that more than eleven men die on the job for each woman who dies on the job. Then there’s the gender disparity with suicide and the much greater emotional impact on a man when a marriage ends. “Feminism’s war on marriage is killing men.”

Lewis makes some simple points that need to be made, like the existing of a women’s health government website and no parallel men’s health website. And that the Equal Pay Act was passed by President Kennedy more than a half century ago and feminists should be telling everyone about this victory, not pretending that women are still being discriminated against.

When Lewis oversteps, it does somewhat undercut his credibility. 61-62% of potential rape cases not being documented enough for the police to proceed is not the same as 61-62% of rape accusations being “false.” Having said that, the author does a great job of laying out how many orders of magnitude from the truth the feminist myth regarding the prevalence of rape is. The book documents a number of demonstrably false rape accusations that tragically led the accused man to commit suicide. It is also worth keeping in mind that even when an accused male college student is criminally exonerated by the police, sometimes his suspension from school is not reversed.

Lewis also does a good job debunking the horrible Duluth Model used for domestic violence brainwashing of male accusers, one of the worst results of feminism in my view. Experts have found the Duluth Model “almost completely ineffective” and no wonder since it omits from consideration so many possible causes of domestic violence, focusing solely on “patriarchy.” As one expert asks, “When does treatment become punishment?”

It is worth remembering that lesbians suffer 75% more domestic violence per capita than do women in relationships with men. It is also notable that women commit more domestic violence against men than vice versa, a fact even the Department of Justice has confirmed. It is shocking that charges will not be dropped even when the accuser requests it, and it is unconscionable that men are not generally presumed innocent as is in fact constitutionally required.

Then there is paternity fraud. Lewis mentions a phenomenon about which I don’t recall having heard before, namely, tutorials that are on the Internet to teach women how to steal men’s sperm.

Read with a little salt, and HIGHLY recommended!

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NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis



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2 Responses to NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis

  1. John on September 21, 2018 at 9:50 PM

    It took you long enough to read it and review it.

    • NCFM on September 24, 2018 at 7:57 PM

      Would you prefer we took it down since our review apparently wasn’t timely? We bought ten copies and put them all to good use and we were about to buy some more. If you’d like to offer a discount we might be able to buy 20 or more at a time and put them to work too. It might be better just to say, “Thank you for the review. I very pleased that no only did you like the book but that you recommended it so highly.” Of course, we are assuming we are typing to a response from the author. If not, please disregard this response. Regardless, we think it is a book that everyone and anyone interested in our issues should read. Harry Crouch, President.

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