NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered

Print đź–¨ PDF đź“„Marc Angelucci, 1968-2020 Marc Etienne Angelucci, Vice-President and Board Member of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) and longtime President and Founder of the Los Angeles Chapter of NCFM, was tragically murdered early just before four p.m. on July 11, 2020, in front of his home in Crestline, California. Marc Angelucci was truly beloved, with a personality that had a magnetism that many of his friends and colleagues found to be truly magical. Marc was an unbelievably generous man, living on a shoestring despite some personal health challenges so he could donate many millions of dollars of his time to mostly voluntary legal work on behalf of men’s rights and the genuine gender equality that is so badly needed in this country and this world. The motive behind Marc’s murder is not yet determined though the San Bernardino County Sheriff deserves our gratefulness for diligently working to determine the facts, including driving to Marc’s family’s home in Los Angeles and to NCFM President Harry Crouch’s home near San Diego to investigate Marc’s death. Marc compiled a truly legendary set of legal achievements, including recently winning an equal protection case against the Selective Service Administration overturning male-only draft … Continue reading NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered