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NCFM Washington D.C. Rally September 9-10, 2022

May 14, 2022

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3 Responses to NCFM Washington D.C. Rally September 9-10, 2022

  1. Paul on May 22, 2022 at 5:14 PM

    Hello and hope you are well. I know this question does not focus on your upcoming March in general but since a March is needed addressing false accusations I wanted to ask, as one inexperienced, do you think that the relationships and sense of need for justice between men and women (I won’t use the word love for it is too strong probably) is getting better or has made progress in the past 40 plus years or are they getting worse or are they stagnated. Is progress being made? It seems that men and women more often than not are adversaries than working together as brothers and sisters on this short journey of earthly life. What is the current reality of sex and gender relations and roles? If my question seems elemental please know it is only because of my ignorance but yet because of my genuine interest as well. Peace and thanks for a chance to write.

    • NCFM on May 24, 2022 at 4:25 PM

      That’s a very complicated question, but a good one. There are hundreds of articles, books, online videos and even classes devoted to trying to explain it. In short, it seems the vast majority of men and women in westernized countries cater to the female side of things, regardless of political affiliation. Generalizing horribly, Republican men act like gladiators championing damsel distresses just because they think it’s the right thing to do. Democrats do the same but for ideological gains and nonprofit sustainability (jobs for women/votes for Dems). Independents swing either way depending on whether they are coastal or inland. But in the end, you have never seen and may never see all of those coming together on behalf of men. After all, we can take care of ourselves. Right?

  2. Paul on May 15, 2022 at 10:50 AM

    Hello. I hope your rally will be a success.

    With Respect

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