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Shared Parenting is a win-win-win situation

August 29, 2013

shared parentingNCFM NOTE: For the many of you interested in the shared parenting movement is an organization worth supporting. Tom James is writing about the history of child custody on LAW BLOGS  which is strongly recommended and provides very good information useful to efforts such as .

Two homes work better for children after separation

Shared parenting is a win-win-win situation

Bonn, Germany, 13 August 2013.

Shared parenting, with an equal standing of both parents, has been proved to be in the best interests of children, because they can stay in a meaningful relationship with both their mother and their father after separation or divorce. Shared parenting reconciles family and work. Shared parenting provides benefits to society.

shared parentingExperts from numerous countries met for the launch of in Bonn, Germany

“We must extinguish the flames of conflict between separated parents so that children can benefit from the support of their mothers and fathers. There must be more widespread awareness, acceptance and implementation of shared parenting as a viable and preferred solution among the public and involved professions.”

This resolution was adopted at the Kick-off Workshop of the International Platform on Shared Parenting ( held in Bonn, Germany, on 10-11 August 2013. This new organisation brings together the best of evidence-based research and modern best practices on shared parenting.

Parents organisations, family professionals and scientists from 14 countries in Europe and North America called upon governments, judges, lawyers, mediators and social workers to promote peace between parents and to develop new ways of helping families to operate better after separation.

Angela Hoffmeyer, initiator of the international cooperation, underlined: “Across Western societies there is increased enthusiasm for shared parenting. Our aim is to raise awareness of the benefits of this living arrangement for children and to overcome reservations still prevailing in the legal system.”

Recent Swedish research revealed that children in separated families with shared parenting experienced less bullying than those with only one involved parent. Previous research from three continents had already shown that after parental separation, children long for both parents and suffer when they have only little contact with one of them. Those with shared parenting do better in school and have lower rates of psychological problems, child abuse, substance abuse, behavioural problems, developmental problems, delinquency and teenage pregnancy.

Contact: Angela Hoffmeyer, phone +49-170-800 46 15,

 national coalition for men

People who truly care about the best interests of children support shared parenting.

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