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Anti-male House of Representatives approves anti-male Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA)

March 5, 2013
Anti-male House of Representatives approves anti-male Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA)

NOTE: For those of you who insist that VAWA is gender neutral and inclusive how is it that it’s the Violence Against Women Act?  Think about it… This well written article by Michael Conzachi was being considered for publication by the Los Angeles Times, which then declined to run it. It’s interesting that the...
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NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

March 1, 2013
NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

NCFM NOTE: Notice here how DOE directives gutting due process procedures coincide with the DOJ’s  lowered standards of evidence and expansive new definition of sexual assault/rape. This trick to further disenfranchise males is epic. First, expand the definition of something that is believed to be a horrific offense to women which necessarily creates more...
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Activist Joe Manthey, “Blaming Men Doesn’t Solve Domestic Violence”

March 1, 2013
Activist Joe Manthey, “Blaming Men Doesn’t Solve Domestic Violence”

Lately our community has been bombarded with a United Nations (UN) claim that “One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime.” The UN fails to cite any sources for this claim and the latest UN report Prevention of violence against women and girls. Report of the Secretary-GeneralE/CN.6/2013/4...
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Author says, “VAWA: Well Intentioned, Poorly Executed”. Hmm…

February 27, 2013
Author says, “VAWA: Well Intentioned, Poorly Executed”. Hmm…

Tomorrow the House of Representatives will most likely sell out the American people and re authorize one of the worse pieces of legislation since Jim Crow laws, VAWA. The re authorization  over the next five years will cause tens of thousands of innocent people to be labeled criminals and thousands of families to be...
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NCFM Adviser Dr. Warren Farrell on CBC Lang & O’Leary explaining why women earn more…

February 27, 2013
NCFM Adviser Dr. Warren Farrell on CBC Lang & O’Leary explaining why women earn more…

Author explains why men earn more Warren Farrell says choices in life are often the cause of lower pay Women are systemically underpaid in part because they consciously or unknowingly make choices in their careers that lead to being paid less down the line, an author and educator says. Warren Farrell, author of a...
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NCFM President Harry Crouch on radio panel discussing domestic violence

February 26, 2013
NCFM President Harry Crouch on radio panel discussing domestic violence

Several years ago, in 2005 to be precise, the Faith Based Subcommittee of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council, of which I was a member, developed Safe Faith Place Communities, a nondenominational domestic violence information, education, referral and awareness program. We developed a comprehensive handbook, a glossy multi-page brochure to include a full page...
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