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NCFM update, Vladek Filler’s written testimony for the State of Maine Judiciary Committee concerning prosecutorial corruption

December 19, 2019
Vladek Filler

NCFM NOTE: Vladek Filler is a true American hero. He immigrated to American believing in our advertised freedoms and rights like due process, innocent until proven guilty and the rule of law. He found it, but it took over 12 years defending himself against false accusations, prosecutorial misconduct and a legal system corrupted by...
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NCFM center stage in, DOE launches investigation into Georgetown for alleged anti-male discrimination

December 18, 2019
NCFM center stage in, DOE launches investigation into Georgetown for alleged anti-male discrimination

This article first published December 6, 2019 by Campus Reform. Mary Rose Corkery Texas Campus Correspondent @corkery_mrose on Dec 06, 2019 at 4:19 PM EDT The Department of Education is investigating Georgetown University after allegations of sex discrimination made in an official inquiry by the National Coalition for Men. Allegations include, but aren’t limited...
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NCFM Member Tim Patten, Being Your Best Possible Self

December 4, 2019

The most crackpot solution offered by women to address issues that affect men is that we should freely express our emotions. However, we are not like them – we must take action! As members of MGTOW, we understand that there is more to improving our lives than opening up emotionally. While this can help...
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NCFM Fundraising Campaign, it’s our first in 43 years!

December 3, 2019
NCFM Fundraising Campaign, it’s our first in 43 years!

In 43 years NCFM has never launched a fundraising campaign. Now you can click on the picture above, Text “NCFM to 71777” or click here and make a donation. Remember, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so your donations may be tax deductible. Thanks to thousands of supporters we have operated debt free and...
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NCFM Adviser Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D, Bourgeois Parents and “Woke” College Children at Thanksgiving 

December 1, 2019

Not all parents who pay college tuition are bourgeois — indeed some are as “woke” as their children. However, for those parents who cling to their antiquated bourgeois values and beliefs, Thanksgiving dinner this year may be more of a culture shock than in years past. For many years now parents have put up...
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NCFM update on NCFM Member Jerry Cox’s court case, Cox no longer owns his land…

November 29, 2019

NCFM NOTE: The article below appeared in the Mariposa Gazette. In brief, the court allowed Jerry’s land to be stolen by what appears to be a corrupt cabal of attorneys and public officials, including Judge Walton who in our opinion did everything within his power to expedite the theft. This is far from over...
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