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Parental alienation, Dr. Richard Gardner, inclusion in the DMS-V, final vindication

June 20, 2013

parental alienationNCFM NOTE:  Not to many years ago I attended a parental alienation workshop at a major international conference. The panel was primarily composed of those responsible for producing the 2004 documentary Breaking the Silence, Journeys of Hope. This PBS special was roundly discredited by the PBS Ombudsman as feminist propaganda, not once but three times! You can read an article about my experience at premier of the film here: Domestic Violence Delusions…a PBS documelodrama. Panel members when denying the existence of parental alienation syndrome openly laughed about Dr. Richard Gardner’s suicide. He was the father of the parental alienation movement. They even chuckled about him being a pedophile, which he denied as recorded in the video Richard Gardner on pedophilia before being driven to suicide. Many believe that’s exactly what happened, that Dr. Gardner was so overwhelmed by the unrelenting hostility of feminist driven antagonists that he ended his own life. Though no longer with us, Dr. Gardner deserves much credit for parental alienation being included in the upcoming DMS-V. The memory of mental health and legal advocates, leading professionals in their fields, having the stage at a major international conference, and openly throwing groundless dispersions and laughing at the death of a colleague has never left me, obviously; and, I hope it never does since their unforgivable behavior is ever so typical of those whose careers are lavishly financed by a hate movement, radical feminism. Absolutely disgusting… but what follows will become a living gift to his struggle to help others… comments by Harry Crouch.

May 20, 2013

CONTACT:       William Bernet, M.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine


Groundbreaking advances in latest edition of mental health manual

Family unity took a major step forward at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco this week (May 18-22, 2013) with the inclusion of language that describes the serious mental health problem of parental alienation.  For the first time, mental health professionals in the U.S. will have officially recognized concepts to diagnose children who experience parental alienation, strengthening the case against parents who strive to alienate children during divorce.

“This is an important advance for the psychological health of children and families,” said William Bernet, M.D.  Bernet is a leader of the Parental Alienation Study Group, the international task force that submitted the proposal to include parental alienation in DSM-5.  Bernet, professor emeritus at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, said, “Including language that is specifically applicable to parental alienation empowers the mental health and legal communities to address this important problem more directly and with greater clarity.  These revisions to DSM-5 will reducethe harm that parental alienation causes to families.”

Parental alienation is a mental condition in which a child – usually one whose parents are engaged in a high-conflict separation or divorce – allies strongly with one parent and refuses without good cause to have a relationship with the other parent.  This process takes place when a parent or caregiver encourages the child’s rejection of the other parent.  Parental alienation is driven by the false belief that the rejected parent is evil, dangerous, or not worthy of affection.When the phenomenon is properly recognized, the condition is preventable and treatable in many instances.

DSM-5 now includesthe new diagnoses of “child psychological abuse” and “child affected by parental relationship distress.” Moreover, “parent-child relational problem”refers to the concept of parental alienation, although the actual words, “parental alienation,” are not in DSM-5. Depending on the circumstances, each of thesethree diagnoses can be used in cases of parental alienation.

Child psychological abuse is defined as “nonaccidental verbal or symbolic acts by a child’s parent or caregiver that result, or have reasonable potential to result, in significant psychological harm to the child.”  In many instances, the behavior of the alienating parent constitutes child psychological abuse.

  •  Child affected by parental relationship distress should be used “when the focus of clinical attention is the negative effects of parental relationship discord (e.g., high levels of conflict, distress, or disparagement) on a child in the family, including effects on the child’s mental or other physical disorders.”  That is a very good description of how parental alienation comes about.
  •  Parent-child relational problem now has a discussion in the text of DSM-5.  The discussion explains that cognitive difficulties in parent-child relational problem “may include negative attributions of the other’s intentions, hostility toward or scapegoating of the other, and unwarranted feelings of estrangement.”  That is a very good description of a child’s view of the alienated parent.

The Parental Alienation Study Group consists of a highly credentialed group of mental health and legal professionals and other individuals who are experienced in identifying and treating parental alienation.  The Parental Alienation Study Group initially proposed in 2008 that parental alienation should be included in DSM -5.  Their complete proposal was published as Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11 (Charles C Thomas Publishers, 2010).  The Parental Alienation Study Group includes 130 individuals from 30 countries.


parental alienation

Parental alienation is a horrific form of child abuse. Serious cases of parental alienation should cause family court judges to award full and sole custody to the non alienating parent…every time, no exceptions.

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7 Responses to Parental alienation, Dr. Richard Gardner, inclusion in the DMS-V, final vindication

  1. Sams dad on January 13, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    Getting divorced/seperated?
    Odds R you will face false allegations
    Google : FMBK ANTEAU (Hundreds of results)
    Present the 2-12-12 letter & other documents to Law Enforcement, DCFS Agents,
    Child Abuse Detectives, School Officials, District Attorneys Office, Judges & the Public


  2. G.J. Miller on August 22, 2013 at 8:31 PM

    Dear Ken ,

    It’s been more than a year since the letter of 2/12/12 and the apparent subsequent closing shortly thereafter of Glass Family Law. I understand he is now not promoting himself as uniquely blended in Psychology and Law but is at another firm doing probate work. Interestingly enough his resume at FMBK Law has claims of credentials I understand you believe are false based upon you direct written response from organizations Mr. Glass claims to be a member or associated with. Who does that reflect upon him or the diligence and propriety of the firm which now employs him?

    It occurred to me that the complete contrast in our cases is almost deafening in the way it shouts hypocrisy, maleficent practices, and flat out perjuries within statements written under penalty of perjury and oral statements within hearings and written statements within submitted briefs screams of the manipulation of parents. This IMHO by attorney’s, the bench and minor’s councils within the family court system in CA at least. Given I was asked to waive my Fifth Amendment Rights in family court? And did so .The issuance of restraining orders on both of us within 3 weeks of my letter of the 12 of February under quote Justice Convey in your instance (“by the slimmest of margins”)one has to wonder at the coincidence…Right? Of course I was judged as having stalked by proxy because I hired a PI to prove my daughter was being housed with a felon (cultivating under a Federal Indictment),,, and the mother knew it.Indeed in your instance you were falsely accused of molestation by the mother of your son seven ( 7) times and then of stalking (8th)when the child was too old to falsely accuse the father of abuse .I note your minors council never interviewed your child even though Sammy was ten (10) . In your case no abuse took place yet you were put on monitored visitation and visitation reduced to police station pick-ups permanently. It would seem logical Ken that at some time you become a safe parent. When is that after your four (4th) parenting class? Or after the third 3rd interview with the District Attorney’s Office. How about after the 8th sheriff or 13th DCFS investigations. What grade gives you a pass? Or is it like our friend who ponied up a Million dollars.
    In my case I alleged that the mother was negligent or deliberately sub parenting in a manner as was provocative .Lj was taken to UCLA med center at three & half (3 ½) .and on morphine and intravenous feeding for 6 weeks after the neighbors call the police because they could hear her screaming. I had previously stated the mother did not have the skills or empathy and may have been suffering some mental distress.Then two (2) years later numerous blood noses (daddy don’t put sunscreen on …its very sore) and Minors counsel accused me of overreacting etc. Yet my daughter now is showing a scar across her nose as her face has grown. Also when the symptoms that caused the first hospitalization reoccurred I took Lj to the Doctor without custodial privileges and was again accused of being alarmist yet the child’s diet was immediately changed by the mother and things improved.
    Not forgetting being accused of 10K in support arrears that the judge threw out as falsified spreadsheet CSSD said I never owed anything. As well as the LCSW saying the Mothers accusation I yelled at our daughter and threw a phone at her was a work of fiction. Perhaps that is why we have a letter from the Bar suggesting we pursue “civil action”.
    Given all this I am the one who is separated and monitored.
    My point is you are not a molester as the DA stated yet you are punished and to the opposite I can prove the mother has been ,may still be or is a least using sub care of my child in a provocative manner where my child may be suffering yet I am punished,. Quote (LCFS,,‘ The Mother is not currently negligent”)Really?Finally we have our friend who only after paying a million dollars was taken of monitoring, all accusations and interference stopped and can see his children when he wants.

    Here is the situation Given the violence in society killings in families, how much damage has been done to children and women, mothers Fathers parents and extended family by the propagation of this kind of duplicitous behavior within what seems to be a culture of deceit built around self-aggrandizing and financial self-serving that in fact amounts to fiscal abuse of children. What training skills and so on are lost in funneling the parent’s income to third party leeches using false or manipulated circumstances to serve their own interests?
    In my case I spent more than $ 47,072 seeing my daughter for twelve ( 12) hours each month for the last year.
    I kept my second residence in California, (rent) paid child support, Airfare from NY once a month air fare for a weekend from oversees and monitor costs including the monitors meals , go-cart rides, Taxis/transportation , lunches, entertainment, getting around, clothes, toys, books & games and adventures that I as her father are able to spend upon the daughter that I have raised!
    What type of enhanced opportunities could a different approach have made?
    If fathers are the enemy what will mothers become once a more robotic agenda is achieved .They will be phased out as well. Women should consider the short amount of time science is giving them to make the correct adjustments to this situation and police their own ranks from peers lawyers and malevolent individuals who care little for children, and will eventually throw mothers to the wayside in preference of the state. I mean do little girls really need to be born with a womb anymore?
    The societal cost of the emotional and mental anguish to children and subsequent family killings from person caught up in this situations is surely not worth the salaries of a the firms and government agencies who benefit from this culture…>All mothers, children and Fathers are at risk and more so daily as those uneducated to the manner they will be manipulated and have their conflict orchestrated to the fiscal advantage of others.

    My being asked to waive my 5th in family court because a stated somebody was a dead man walking, professionally speaking .It would seem I know what I’m doing as David J. Glass Ph.D. is now hobbled from abusing any more families and a judge who asks me if I wished merry Christmas to a Jewish Lawyer as a hateful gesture seems to be setting me up for something, especially since you had received notices mailed to your residence disclosing that David Glass would be on vacation during the “Christmas holidays”.
    Yet you Ken are a longtime Jewish friend and my father spent weeks in a cattle car on his way to Stalag IVIII in Poland.
    Was it not the Nazis who first separated children from parents?
    And then when I request the transcript from that hearing, I pay for it I and then get not the original but a copy and my money order is handed back to me and no one will say who was given the original?
    Lj says to me at age of 6 when I tell her mom loves her and will always be in her life
    She state’s to me …“She’s going to live a lot; she’s never going to die?”
    What is this child going to hold her mother responsible for and by what means will she do so?
    The enabling of conflict by those who seek to gain financially is simply evil and no different from an arms dealer who supplies both sides .The killing of life be it on an emotional ,intellectual, financial, mental, spiritual and /a or physical level is a death and no different from actually using a mechanical device. Too knowingly do so to children whose spirit is pure is inherently foul.

    To surmise IMHO the individuals and associated firms in our cases are only the tip of the iceberg.
    M Kretzmer. David J.Glass Ph.d, Laurie Darkajian, Elise Greeberg , Psychologist Angus Strachan Ph.d of Lund & Strachan ,FMBK Law , Kolodny & Anteau represent a blight upon what was once a noble profession .
    Please get back to me with your thoughts, I am thinking about copying this letter and the letter of 2-12-2012 to the California Attorney General.

    Ps I’ll be in LA for visitation. It snowed in NY this week.

    • HOLLANDER on December 9, 2013 at 7:50 PM

      Inline image 1

  3. HOLLANDER on August 11, 2013 at 3:16 PM

    Dear Sir,
    I am writing to you after some examination of your life work. What I believe became a passion, and what appears to be a path of truth, diligence and honorable actions.
    I respectfully ask you consider the following given your significant input into the DSM V.
    The changes in the DSM go some way to protect children but they are not Law.
    I believe protocols ( Amendments) to Laws should be established where by cases can be designated as “ Conflictual and could lead to harm or endangerment of a minor ” as well as “ Adversarial as may interfere with due process or judicial protocols “

    This is a concept that would allow the introduction of Psychological intervention.
    All parties would be under the protocol and umbrella of a designated PHD who would report to the Judge. It is better than a special master or minors counsel in that the primary oath of doctors is to do no harm. Degrees in law do not come with this provision. There is also less motive of mammon.
    A special judge perhaps one who is also trained in The Hague laws as well s having psychological and mediation training and intervention protocol understanding would be beneficial.
    Even a separate court (department) within the Overall County or district may be appropriate.
    Furthermore the Psychologist overseeing should not be dually qualified in law as taints interests and motives and may conflicts with minor’s best interests.

    This would streamline the case loads and assuming greater evidential standard was utilized to discern actual events taking place in a case may benefit the state and country in many ways.
    In my own matter and at least one other matter I have witnessed a dually qualified person utilize their degree in psychology to intimidate the bench and undermine justice and reason.
    The manipulation by psychological means of the judicial system and those at the highest levels within it as may impact the future of a child is heinous and smacks of what is not in the interest of humanities future.

    Hypothetically the concept whereby for the most part the entire judicial system is administered through an online structure, as is being implemented presently creates a danger. That being persons credentialed above those to whom they are presenting arguments to for rulings as allows that person to intimidate the judicial authority in a manner that could be dangerous societally.
    The flurry of certain lawyers to obtain degrees in psychology as could pervade justice and create a network leading to corrupt practices should be prevented. Judiciary must have credentials matched with those who are presenting arguments or making up stories within a matter before the court.
    It is my belief that things are about faced. Only a person rooted in the concepts of psychology has the ability to apply the correct discretion to law and understand the impact as is best for our future.
    A person perhaps starting out in police work then getting a law degree then getting a PhD psy does not have the foundation needed to administer justice in the world that is becoming mankind’s future.
    A person starting out to desire an understanding of the human condition just may.
    How such persons could be sourced is for someone with more vision than me to conceptualize.
    I am attaching a letter to the CA Attorney General to ensure your understanding of my sincerity.
    This is a small prayer in the hope that the epidemic of pain that is resulting in self determined bullet ridden solutions to conflict in the family domain; be it within the tender years of a child or in a person’s teenage, school or adult years can be mitigated by those who have the power and the conscience to do so.

    Thank you for your time,
    Yours sincerely

    • sallie on March 23, 2014 at 6:53 PM

      Mr. Glass is still going strong. Not happy here.

  4. Ken on July 18, 2013 at 10:30 PM

    Mr Graham J Miller


    To The Principals of Malibu Elementary Schools and To Whom it may concern within the LAUSD and SMMUSD administrations, Directors or other persons.

    Dear Sir Madam or MS,

    I am writing to you firstly as a parent. I have a child in a Malibu public school. I am also writing as a Citizen, and therefore concerned in a more global manner with issues that I personally find disturbing and relevant. I believe a possible failure to perform to ethical codes of several professions, let alone what any normal person may find to be reasonable is about to, and could in the future lead to embarrassment, public consternation and at best a complete lack of faith ,trust and confidence in the above agencies.

    I have recently been informed by my daughter Lily-jane Faith Miller that her mother has taken her out of Calahan elementary (Northridge); and she is now at some school in Malibu district. (Grade 2)

    My reasons for my concern follow.

    Within the Malibu school district there is a teacher, (C Cullen) who has accused her ex-husband of two counts of sexual abuse of their son, and 5 other counts of abuse of their son (11). This alleged abuse according to Ms Cullen and her Attorney took place over the past 5 years.

    I would like a notation in my daughter’s file that she is never to be placed in class with the above person as her “(my daughters)” teacher. I apologize in in that I am unable to provide more details on my daughter’s whereabouts (school) but her Mom has not provided that info. I’m sure Dr Jacob the principal at Callahan would be able to assist.

    In MS Cullen’s divorce and custody case she utilized the services of a Mr. D Glass Esq. (Attorney) Mr Glass is also a PhD in Psychology .Mr Glass was also utilized by the mother of my daughter, Lily -Jane in my own divorce and custody matter. Mr Glass a Psychologist/ Attorney and mandated reporter saw fit to bring allegations of sexual abuse of a child and 4 allegations of other forms of abuse of MS Cullen’s son Sammy before family court. These all were investigated by the Police DCFS, and the District Attorney. They were found to be without either Medical or Credentialed 3rd party verification and closed therefore as unsubstantiated. These allegations were brought by MS Cullen via the services of Mr Glass and occurred regularly before the summer school break on a yearly basis. MS Cullen had also recently remarried a Mr Brian Winsick another Teacher and coach in the Conejo Valley. Their marriage took place just prior to the allegations beginning.

    I will now outline my concerns and reasons for the request of the notation in my daughters file.

    It is my belief that the relationship between this teacher Ms. Cullen and her attorney and my own ex-wife and the same attorney is cause for reasonable concern. That to avoid any unfortunate incident where god forbid I was to be accused by my daughter’s mother of something similar as MS Cullen accused her ex-husband of it is imperative no establish able link is in place as could lead to suspicion of collusion. The worst case scenario that Ms. Cullen at some time becomes my daughters teacher and subsequently claims are made that perhaps my daughter had inferred to MS Cullen that I had abused her ( Lily-jane) and MS Cullen then could relate this to my daughters mother through their mutual attorney, or contact at school is beyond horrific. I feel the separation of my daughter and this teacher protects LAUSD/SMMUSD and my daughter and me.

    In a more global sense I am concerned that a teacher married to another teacher and coach and an attorney who is also licensed as a psychologist made no attempt to make aware the LAUSD or the SMUSD of their concerns. (Two allegations of Sexual abuse and five other allegations of abuse.) Surely some ethical codes of their respective professions would demand other relevant or parties who could be impacted be advised.

    When a teacher finds the resources to pay $500 an hour to a Beverly Hills Attorney for 5 years surely there is a need for verification that such allegations will bring in terms of the expenses the County and State will bear during the protracted conflict. Especially if the accused has been made indigent by the continued claims and has suffered stress or work issues stemming from such accusations and is no longer paying taxes.

    As a parent I certainly would be outraged if I knew my child’s teacher was aware of a legitimate abuse situation and if, as in this case it included Sexual Abuse allegations and that teacher did nothing to bring attention to it as could protect other children I would expect answers. Specifically why and how a person(s) (2 Teachers, (Coach), An Attorney/Psychologist) would go ahead and consciously disregard accusations of such a serious nature, and then they having brought these allegations before family court and the district attorney go ahead and let other parents arrange activities with the person they were accusing of abuse in a manner as would expose other children to the accused.

    What is more disturbing and I expect the press will find disturbing is that repeated allegations of this nature are often utilized in family conflicts and that this is acceptable is in fact a failure of morality within our society. I believe this failure may have had a profound societal impact.

    That the failure of an application of evidentiary standards as are normally applied in criminal matters may have allowed credentialed persons possibly with questionable motive to use family court in a manipulative and deceitful way to achieve their own ends appears to me to be worthy of consideration.

    This epidemic of claims of abuse of children caught in such situations, (family breakups) versus children, who suffer actual abuse, desensitizes the general public and governmental agencies and allows real and dangerous criminals to hide and operate with virtual impunity in our society. It is beyond Peter and the Wolf it is an ongoing crime against humanity. To falsely perpetrate something that I believe leads to what we are now facing in the LAUSD and SMMUSD and may have exacerbated, perpetuated and indeed by lack of action condoned events and actions that possibly has led to emotional; mental and even physical harm to any child is heinous.

    I believe because of the actions as I have described many prior red flags have been ignored in many abuse situations and much suffering and harm and expense could have been avoided if a less commonplace attitude to abuse of children was the norm.

    Indeed in the immediate situation with (C Cullen, B Winsick) either the allegations were scurrilous and a product of vitriol, and an attorney (PhD Psych) with who knows what motivation (7 Claims) and that these claims were worthy of public expense .Or these persons were aware the claims they were bringing were false and therefore not worthy of reporting to LAUISD/SMUSD or other parents.? The alternative is an admission of negligent lack of reasonable due diligence and surely a great lack of concern for the school both pupils and other teachers and parents has been flagrantly displayed in total disregard for the safety and welfare of minors. Whether this is or should be a concern for the bond holders of these persons I do not know. Mr Glass, Glass family Law and former associate of ( Kolodny & Anteau) One of the most respected family law firms in the United States (Mel Gibson Getty, etc.) has been investigated by the CA Bar already in this matter and while the complaint was not upheld a letter suggesting the possibility of civil redress was issued by them.

    The APA also found he did no wrong apparently within their own ethics code.

    The fact remains an Attorney/Psychologist and a Teacher and a Teacher/Coach surely have some duty to the community. The positions of trust and respect they are afforded should allow the general public a reasonableness within their expectation of propriety and protection of the innocent by such credentialed persons.

    Perhaps the LAUSD/SMUSD could incorporate or suggest to the CA Bar a cooperative relationship of a professional nature that would allow this protection to be afforded our children as well as draft a code for the LAUSD/SMUSD’s own employees in such situations.

    Certainly recent events could lead one to surmise that a better clarified way of maintaining the safety and welfare of our children, from both bonifide and false claims of abuse would be helpful. The harm that both real and imagined events can bring to families, as well as collateral persons and an institution such as children’s learning environment should be minimalized at all times.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Graham J Miller.

    885 Avenue of the Americas

    Penthouse 1A

    New York .NY. 10001.

  5. Michael on June 20, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    You can be sure that feminists will attempt to appropriate, or should I say misappropriate, Parental Alienation and redefine it as something that can only be inflicted by fathers upon their children, mothers, of course, since they are women and therefore victims, being completely incapable of anything so dastardly.

    Expect to hear of many fathers suffering from false allegations of Parental Alienation in future divorce cases, the mere accusation being sufficient to convict and condemn them to a future of no contact with their kids, who themselves will face a future of psychological damage, thanks to the culture of Matriarchy which is prevalent in today’s society.

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