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Homeless, on the rise, where’s the commissions on men’s health?

April 25, 2011

Homeless veterans on the rise in San Diego and I suspect everywhere else too. There’s a worthwhile read about homeless vets in the San Diego Union Tribune.

Then there are pictures like these of homeless men in Los Angeles  taken by a men’s activist and veteran in 2006, though they may as well have been taken today.  He wrote:

“Homeless people are an omni-present site in most of L.A County and indeed throughout much of California.  In L.A. County, they appear to be everywhere, from downtown L.A. to the more urban streets of the San Fernando Valley.  The come in all colors and ages, from African America to Hispanic to Caucasian, from young to old.  One feature that approximately 75% of them have in common is that they are male.  In cold winter months, L.A. County’s homeless seek shelter under building overhangs, under plastic sheets, or anywhere they can find some cover and warmth.  Apparently L.A. County’s shelters are not adequate to meet the needs of all the homeless, although I’ve heard some critics say, “Homeless people just enjoy living outside.”

Although California has numerous women’s commissions at state, county, and local levels, there is none anywhere for men to address such “status of men” issues as homelessness.  The National Coalition for Men made efforts to create a commission for men in Los Angeles County a few years ago, but that effort largely fell on deaf ears.  While funds continue to be available to fund a plethora of women’s commissions throughout the state, virtually no support is available for a men’s commission, even when such a commission is proposed without the expense of funding by the government.  For a progressive state like California, that prides itself on equality for all, the disparity in treatment of humans, based on gender, stinks to high heaven.”

Isn’t it amazing that the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and other legislative bodies actually oppose – often fight vehemently against – the creation of commissions having to do with men or men’s health. Hard to believe that even male elected officials detest themselves so much that they oppose things regarding their own health… or their sons.

Homelessness by gender in San Diego County 20011 - click on image for full report

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One Response to Homeless, on the rise, where’s the commissions on men’s health?

  1. Ray on April 25, 2011 at 3:52 PM

    The top photo was taken March, 2011, and no, "men are not disposable," was not written on the trash can. It's been photoshopped on.

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