NCFM in the news!

NCFM in the news!
Letters to the editor predictable, tiresome
June 19, 2011 2:56 PM Agree or disagree- Click here to send letters to the editor The regular writers of the letters to the editor consistently write uninformative, uninspiring, formulaic and wordy commentaries on predictable, acceptable targets.
These targets are the president, Muslims, socialists, Democrats, felony immigrants, atheists and the City of Yuma.
The writers’ favorite topics of choice are the decline and fall of American values, Medicare, taxation, gays in the military, the Europeanization of America, the effect of felony immigration on the economy, unions and, finally, the president’s citizenship.
Please allow me to suggest some genuinely formidable targets such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Anti-Defamation League, the National Organization for Women, the National Coalition for Men, the American Union of Men, the Libertarians, the Wiccans, local gangs and their activities, the Marines and local religious leaders with opposing doctrines and questionable business ethics.
At least they will draft a worthwhile rebuttal.
Matthew Packard
Should've left NOW out of it. NOW is a evil organization.
Hahaha! Now that is funny!