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NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You

October 10, 2016

national coalition for men

NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You




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30 Responses to NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You

  1. concrete patio on January 21, 2025 at 3:11 AM

    Thanks for the great content you shared.

  2. Violet on June 1, 2024 at 11:54 PM

    I am at a loss for words over the horrific experiences shared by men in the comments. The violence and abuse men face can leave deep scars & stains, just as it does for women. I hope an organization like NCFM continues to make a significant difference in the lives of many, as every person matters.

    • NCFM on June 2, 2024 at 3:37 PM

      Thank you. And we too hope NCFM continues to help.

  3. Elliot Wallace on November 13, 2023 at 3:52 AM
  4. Daniel Perez on March 29, 2023 at 3:59 AM

    So far you have a good content! Thanks Apply here

    • Bob Goldbeck on November 3, 2023 at 5:44 AM

      there is so so much work to be done to shatter myths of the patriarchy and male oppression in our society. As we know, males are victimized by a patriarchy which truly does not even exist. I work for a company with a female CEO of 320,000 employees. Where is the patriarchy there? As we know men suffer more from murder, alcoholism, suicide, depression, unjust divorce rulings and ongoing failures in school. We live in a culture that privileges the life of a woman over that of a man- and many men participate actively in this, including legislators who continue to promulgate oppressive bureaucracies such as the Selective Service, and laws that punish and target only males. The SS is the epitome of what needs to be dismantled; institutionalized sexism. Men are not cattle to be identified, tracked, inspected and harvested to be sent to slaughter against their will. As I started, I will finish, there is so so much work to be done. I am thankful that NCFM is available to help lead much needed sociatal change.

  5. Iain Katz on April 22, 2022 at 12:49 PM

    I want gender diversity to include the rights of males who are born male and have a gender identity of male.

    College discriminates against male. College discriminates against Autistic.

    An Autistic female can be a female feminist. Being a female feminist cancels out the Autism. Any dedicated female feminist is qualified to go to college to do female gender studies in how to be a female feminist.

    I am Autistic. I am born male and male identity. I do male rights for males. I am discriminated from college.

    I as a male, I want there to be men’s college for men, run by men, taught by men. I as a male I want to do gender studies for males, taught by males, run by males. I want to be a PhD in gender studies myself being a male. I want to do male rights for males. I am a male PhD in gender studies for male rights.

    Gender diversity has to include born male and male identity.

    I am a male. I want to do gender studies for males. I want to fight for the rights of males. I have to be my true self as a male and that should qualify me for college.

    There should be college that is for men only. Absolutely no female students and employees.

    I don’t need any fucking college. I declare myself to be a PhD in gender studies for MALES and their rights.

    Iain Katz

    • Victor on April 22, 2023 at 9:25 PM

      NOTE: English translation below too:

      Llegue aquí despues de enterarme de que existía NCFM y a su vez comienzo a ver un video sinceramente y aunque me da mucha pena admitirlo no entiendo muy bien el inglés, también a su vez una disculpa por escribir esto en español y también por si me llega a faltar una coma o me llegara a equibocar con mis faltas de ortografía no es ninguna excusa y también me apena decir que yo aprendí a leer y escribir adecuadamente 3 años despues que todos mis compañeros de primaria, soy autista, nacido hombre y terrible para tener amigos la verdad he tenido suficientes cosas mias como trabajar desde que tengo memoría en el negocio familiar siempre intentando ser alguien honrrado, alguien en el quien confiar para mis amigos pero mas que mis pocos amigos sería para los que pienso hacer en un futuro porque yo ya he perdido varios amigos y los que me quedan siento que solo me aceptan por mi novia que también es su amiga pero si no esta ella yo tampoco estoy en esa reunión, mi novia es feminista cosa que al principio me puso algo nervioso porque yo desde el principio no me sentía muy apegado, ya tengo un amigo muerto y otro accidentado y otro que fue golpeado solo porque no quería que lo retiraran de la marcha feminista, No puedo opinar nada, solo tengo que seguir aguantando esto, solo me discriminan sin conocerme y claro si pienso que si el feminismo no es nada justo y en varias estadísticas no concuerdan yo soy un estupido hombre autista que no entiende nada por su posición y claro que entiendo no me límiten claro que todos podemos comprender cualquier situación real no hace falta que te escupan para poder imaginarte que se siente, no hace falta que nos estén jodiendo la vida de esta manera solo porque pensamos y no somos dociles. Perdón por extenderme tanto pero supongo que me fue muy sanador muchas gracias y también sí te soy sincero llore de pasión al ver tu escrito. Gracias.

      In English by computer translation:

      I came here after finding out that NCFM existed and at the same time I sincerely began to watch a video and although I am very sorry to admit it, I do not understand English very well, also an apology for writing this in Spanish and also in case it comes to me Missing a comma or getting it wrong with my spelling mistakes is no excuse and it also saddens me to say that I learned to read and write properly 3 years after all my elementary school classmates, I am autistic, born a man and terrible to have friends The truth is that I have had enough of my own, like working for as long as I can remember in the family business, always trying to be someone honest, someone to trust for my friends, but more than my few friends it would be for those I plan to do in the future because I have already I have lost several friends and the ones that remain I feel that they only accept me because of my girlfriend who is also her friend but if she is not there I am not at that meeting either, my girlfriend is a feminist which at first made me a little nervous because I from the beginning I did not feel very attached, I already have a dead friend and another injured and another who was beaten just because he did not want to be removed from the feminist march, I cannot comment on anything, I just have to continue putting up with this, they only discriminate against me without knowing me and of course If I think that if feminism is not fair at all and in various statistics they do not agree I am a stupid autistic man who does not understand anything because of his position and of course I understand do not limit me of course we can all understand any real situation there is no need to be spit on to be able to imagine what it feels like, it is not necessary that they are screwing up our lives in this way just because we think and we are not docile. Sorry for taking so long but I suppose it was very healing for me, thank you very much and also, yes, I am honest, I cried with passion when I saw your writing. Thank you.

  6. call us on January 5, 2022 at 8:25 AM

    You have been doing an awesome job giving men the protection they also deserve.

  7. JJ on December 30, 2021 at 11:56 AM

    Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men’s lives. Let’s do the math. Per the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force): “Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening” and “A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening”. However 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from and up to 6.9% hospitalization from a prostate blind biopsy infection or complication. Also 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths, injuries and side effects from radiation and other procedures, medical mistakes, a 5 times higher suicide risk, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, low quality of life, etc, caused by prostate cancer screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment of prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men’s lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: “The Great Prostate Mistake”, “Hoax” and “A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster”. Follow the money!

    My story:

    Recommended books:
    The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)
    The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD

  8. Allen Wilson on October 10, 2021 at 7:01 AM

    I think you should move the Untying the Knot icon way up to the top, under the Donate button or at least somewhere highly visible. test

  9. on April 29, 2021 at 1:58 AM

    Awesome post! Thanks for the share.

  10. Keto Diet on November 18, 2020 at 6:26 AM

    I think there should to equality and they should not be denied to be part of the draft.

  11. East Ham roofing on June 11, 2020 at 12:26 AM

    NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You – very interesting video.

    Justice is always important

  12. on May 29, 2020 at 8:47 AM

    Oh! This is so sad but let’s just move on for the better.

  13. Glen on April 28, 2020 at 9:09 AM

    Our sincerest THANK YOU!

  14. Masculist Man on October 23, 2019 at 4:17 PM


    Great video. I’ll post it on my site as well:

    • NCFM on October 23, 2019 at 5:36 PM

      Thank you.

      • Fred sanders on September 6, 2021 at 6:19 PM

        Im posting it on my facebpok page .this is eeded by so many men.

  15. Lieutenant: Edward Quinn on May 1, 2019 at 9:56 AM

    Thank God someone has had the good sense to commence an Organization to protect the only vulnerable group left in our human society. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in education, business and lobby groups. Thank you NCFM and please keep me informed on future plans. I will spread the word in Ireland. slan go foil: Ed Quinn

    • Ron Thompson on March 17, 2020 at 4:28 AM

      I need help fast
      Am not going to make it
      Where do I go

      • NCFM on March 17, 2020 at 2:51 PM


        Call us: 619-231-1909.

  16. Fabien Dass on March 4, 2019 at 5:31 AM

    Hi, can someone contact me. I have a story to tell about discrimination in Charlotte NC in child custody court. We need to talk about justice. My name is Fabien Dass and my number is 704 352 4971

  17. Jeanne on September 14, 2018 at 8:07 PM

    I think you should move the Untying the Knot icon way up to the top, under the Donate button or at least somewhere highly visible. Key is to make it as visible as possible on the site. This is a valuable FREE legal information service that will benefit so many fathers, and I think this is one of the many features that can be used to market NCFM to the public.

    • NCFM on September 15, 2018 at 4:21 PM

      Thanks for the suggestion.

  18. Jeffrey Dale McConnell on December 12, 2016 at 3:02 AM

    From 1993 to 1999, I taught the three year old class at Crescent Hill Bapt. Church in Louisville. In 1998, the education director was Dr. Katherine Chapman. She told me, on several occasions, that she just didn’t like the idea of a single man teaching preschool (although I had NO complaints and had an excellent program going). She tried to frame me for “inappropriately touching” a girl, but her attempt failed because too many witnesses caught her in the outright lie. When I took the issue to the church pastor, he told me to leave and not come back. I could not make up a story this pathetic.

    • Levi Buck on January 10, 2018 at 5:13 AM

      Sad. Simply sad. I have no words. I’m literally shaking.

    • Masculist Man on October 23, 2019 at 4:12 PM

      Unfortunately feminism has seeped into the church as well. It sounds like this minister is a coward that is scared of this woman. No understanding your point. No questioning her. He is a total mangina.

  19. Jeffrey Dale McConnell on December 12, 2016 at 2:56 AM

    In 1985, I was a counselor for Idar Oberstein Elementary with the DODDS school system. I was the only single male on staff. The principal was a single woman. She frequently asked me out on dates, but I had a German girlfriend and I would politlely weasel out. In November, principal S Martz walked into the teacher’s lounge and asked me to go with her to a concert. I told her I just wasn’t interested. She slammed the door of the lounge on the way out. On December 6, 1985, I was fired from DODDS schools. The base commander, Lt Col Hickok said, “Son, she fired you because you wouldn’t d—- her.” I couldn’t make up a story this pathetic.

  20. Jeffrey Dale McConnell on December 12, 2016 at 2:52 AM

    From 1999 to 2001, I taught the learning disabilities class at New Middletown Elementary School, South Harrison County Schools, Indiana. After two years of excellent evaluations, the superintendent met with me along with the female NEA rep. for South Harrison Co. Schools. The sup. told me he just did not like the idea of a “man” teaching little children with mental disabilities. I was fired and replaced by a woman. When I asked my representative from the most useless teacher ‘support (gag puke) organization in the world how NEA would respond, she lied and said that what was said to both of us was never said. I could not make up a story this pathetic.

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