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NCFM Carolina’s Chapter Greg Josefchuk met with the Office of Management & Budget regarding Secretary DeVos’ proposed new Title IV regulations

February 1, 2020


Greg Josefchuk, President of NCFMCarolinas, had a teleconference meeting Thursday, January 30, 2020, with the Office of Management & Budget to review NCFM’s position on Secreatry DeVos’ proposed new Title IX regulations.

These revisions are critically important since under the Obama Administration the Department of Education issued an implied threat to post-secondary education institutions receiving federal funds that those funds could be reduced if the schools chose not to adopt the draconian and unconstitutional policies outlined in the now infamous “Dear Colleague Letter.”

In brief, those rules basically did away with constitutional protections of due process and caused horrific damage to college men falsely accused of sexual assault or harassment. Thus far numerous schools have had to pay huge damage awards; and, those who have legitimate complaints are stained with suspicion by those who made false accusations and kangaroo court like adjudication processes.

Thanks to people like Mr. Josefchuk and members of Carolinas’ chapter revised rules will soon be reissued. Those rules will reestablish more fair and equitable treatment of complainants and the accused. Mr. Josefchuk did a excellent job in the letter above. There is no question that he and NCFM have had a significant impact in the revision of these rules and the protection of due process rights for all involved.

We strongly suggest you read the letter in its entirety if you are interested in post-secondary education, especially if you are at all interested in helping someone, including yourself attend a college or university that respects basic constitutional protections like due process and equitable treatment.

This is a huge accomplishment. Thank you Mr. Josefchuk and those that helped you in this gargantuan effort.

Harry Crouch

President, NCFM

national coalition for men

NCFM Carolina’s Chapter Greg Josefchuk meets with the Office of Management & Budget regarding Secretary DeVos’ proposed new Title IV regulations

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