October 29, 2023
On October 26, 2023, the Kentucky Supreme Court released their decision in the wrongful murder conviction of Christian ‘Kit’ Martin.
Go to the link to read and download the entire 45-page decision.
Justices Nickell and Conley dissented and opined that Martin was deserving of a re-trial citing evidentiary errors.The dissenting opinion by Justice Nickells begins at page 39 through 45.
At this point, it is unknown what additional legal or appellate options are available to Kit.
What we do know is that Martin’s fraudulent indictment and wrongful conviction are a result of criminal corruption at many levels, and in particular is the criminal corruption of the lead detective in the case, Christian County Sheriff’s Department Leonard Scott Smith who INTENTIONALLY LIED TO THE GRAND JURY.
NCFM has not released this information as of yet, however NCFM issued several Public Records Act Requests to the Christian County Sheriff’s Department concerning the multiple acts of PERJURY committed by Smith before the Grand Jury.
NCFM will release certain documents at the appropriate time, but on August 5, 2022, NCFM filed an open records act request with the Christian County Sheriff’s Department.
One of the nearly two dozen requested pieces of information was this.
Consequently, as expected, the sheriff’s department denied any wrongdoing, so in response, we pointed out several areas in the public record Grand Jury transcript where Smith intentionally lied.
In NCFM’s response to major… Newby, we pointed out just one of the many examples where LT Smith committed PERJURY.
As is reflected by NCFM’s correspondence, all public record act requests and responses were sent via electronic mail so an electronic record can be tracked and verified.
Since Martin’s wrongful conviction, a number of various social media groups have formed and countless persons have either expressed their disbelief that Martin was actually convicted, or some local residents that have bravely shared damning information as to collateral misconduct and criminal corruption in Christian County that has been invaluable.
It is incredulous that with the vast amount of provable criminal corruption in this case, that there is not one ethical public official who has made any decision to ask for a federal public corruption probe of the railroading of Christian ‘Kit’ Martin. A corruption probe to include participating investigators AND prosecutors. More on the prosecutors at a later time.
Christian County Sheriff’s Department Lieutenant Leonard Scott Smith is just one of many who actually should be behind bars in this case.
A note to Sheriff Tyler DeArmond: At some point in time, all of this ‘dirt’ will come out and be exposed. If you fail to act immediately, then you have become complicit.
Just as we all have seen in so many cases, the layers or the rotten onion are being pulled away.
NCFM welcomes readers to reach out to Sheriff DeArmond to express their dissatisfaction with the manner in which the sheriff’s department has conducted their investigation, in which the ONLY alternative at this point to is demand a federal corruption probe. As always, be polite and respectful in any communications, and refrain from abrasive language.
NCFM Member ‘Kit’ Martin Denied Appeal by the Kentucky Supreme Court
I guess Scott Smith is still on the force, how can this be,by law he should be in jail why is he not being prosecuted, we the people of Todd Co, and Logan Co want to know why he is not in jail.We want answers ,I guess it’s OK for him to lie to the grand jury not once but 7 times ,how is he getting away with this ,he is not God ,he shouldn’t be on the streets to destroy peoples lives, how is this justice ,there is no justice in all these cases , and Smith is responsible for all the wrongfully convictions. We the people want to call cranial 5 to investigate, this has to go viral, Smith is currupt,and we want answers
Why is Scott Smith still on the force, he should be prosecuted to the fullest ,we the people want to know how he can get away with being corrupt.
He has to be stopped, he has ruined so many families with his lies to the grand jury to get indictments for a conviction.
Nothing about this is Wright, STOP THE CURRUPTION HAS TO STOP
I just watched the episode of Dateline about this story. I would really like to know What the hell an American can do to help a man like this that was so unfairly and unjustly prosecuted for this crime. I didn’t hear one piece of evidence that I would consider beyond a reasonable doubt presented to convict him. My personal opinion is that the Jury should be put in jail for listening to this evidence and coming up with a guilty verdict.
We and many others agree. Kit was framed. Kentucky is corrupt politically. Provincial. Regardless, we have never abandoned Kit and are still working toward his freedom. He will prevail. And, those responsible will be found…
Scott Smith has been corrupt for many years now its time to put him in jail, he and his partner Steve Selfies wrongfully convinced 7 men,by going before the grand jury and lied to get a indictment for a conviction. Let me alabrate on this a bit Scott Smith was involved in a cold case from 1980 the Commonwealth VS Norman Graham there was never enough evidence to convict him so it was a hung jury. In the 80s there were 6 brutal murders committed in and around Todd Co. Scott Smih was lead investor, if he would have done his job back then he could have been a hero by catching serial killer Roy Wayne Dean, Scott Smith could had saved 5 women’s life’s, but no he had to lie to cover it up to look like a big shot, he new serial killer Roy Wayne Dean killed all those women, Bobby Miller another dirty cop new it to, so 7 women paid the price of the actions of several killer Roy Wayne Dean there were 3 eye e witnesses to the murder of Kay Williams ,that they never talked to ,they didn’t question anyone just wanted to make a name for there self. God bless Mrs Thelma Shomate ,Kay Williams, Brenda Church, Deann Rap Mrs. Chambell, Joane Greer and her unborn baby.
That’s a lot to take in but it’s true.
It would have been different if it was Scott Smith mother or Bobby Miller’s wife. There is no justice for then or there family
Scott Smith deserves to go to jail for lieing to the grand jury. He should not be allowed on the force he is a danger to the public. It’s time that the corruption stops here.
Thank you so much for supporting an innocent American Hero. I have known him for more than 30 years. His integrity is unsurpassed.