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NCFM Joins International Letter to Heads of 6 Nations re Male DV Victims

April 20, 2010

On March 31, 2010, the National Coalition For Men joined the Family of Men Support Society (Canada), Amen (Ireland), Ration Shed (New Zealand), Lone Fathers Association (Australia), and Men’s Aid (England) in sending a letter to their respective national leaders challenging the out-dated notion that men are rarely victims of domestic violence.  The letter requests that necessary funds and appropriate services...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM quoted in San Diego Union Tribune re Airline Discrimination

March 16, 2010

“Airline’s new restroom policy doesn’t fly with men’s group,” San Diego Union Tribune, 3/16/10. National Coalition for Men
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Posted in Action, News, San Diego | No Comments »

NCFM reply to Senator Harry Reid’s Sexism Prints in the Reno News

March 12, 2010
By Re “Abusing Reid” (Upfront, March 4): Dennis Myers misses the point that men’s rights activists are making about Sen. Harry Reid’s comments. The point isn’t whether domestic violence rises due to unemployment, but Sen. Reid’s gender-biased comments, stigmatizing male victims and their children by blaming only males for the problem. Men are less...
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Posted in Action, Activities, News, Northern California | No Comments »

NCFM Submits Testimony on Senate Bill 1777 (MA) re Genital Mutilation

March 8, 2010

On March 8, 2010, NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda, Esq. submitted written testimony to all members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary in support of Senate Bill 1777 (SB 1777), which would make genital mutilation of male and female minors illegal.  The text of the bill is located at The Judiciary Committee is expected to issue a...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News | No Comments »

NCFM in Aviation News Objecting to Nippon Airlines’ Sex Discrimination, Nippon Changes Policy

February 28, 2010
By National Coalition for Men
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News | 1 Comment »

NCFM legal victory cited on Psychology Today blog by Dr. Linda Mills

December 16, 2009

On 12/9/09, NYU Professor Lind Mills mentioned NCFM’s legal victory for equal rights for male victims of domestic violence in her Psychology Today blog, “Embedded.” Excerpt: “That’s why it was major news last October when the National Coalition For Men successfully argued to the California Court of Appeals that state-funded
domestic violence shelters violated the...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, News | No Comments »

NCFM on WEHC Radio (VA) re Rihanna & Partner Abuse

December 9, 2009

On 12/8/09, WEHC Radio (Emory & Henry College), which airs in Virginia and D.C., hosted NCFM’s Public Relations Director, J. Steven Svoboda, Esq., for a show on domestic violence, particularly focusing on the African-American community.  Svoboda discussed the key points in NCFM’s press release on the Rihanna/Brown incident, NCFM’s work on domestic violence, and NCFM’s mission, history and accomplishments.  NCFM thanks the co-host, Professor Aris...
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NCFM on WEHC Radio re Rihanna/Brown and Partner Abuse

December 9, 2009

On 12/8/09, WEHC Radio (Emory & Henry College), which airs in Virginia and D.C., hosted NCFM’s Public Relations Director, J. Steven Svoboda, for a show on domestic violence particularly in the African-American community.  Svoboda discussed the key points in NCFM’s press release on the Rihanna/Brown incident, NCFM’s work on domestic violence overall, and NCFM’s mission, history and accomplishments.  NCFM thanks the co-host, Professor Aris Winger, for...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News, Press Release, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM on the national TV show “The Secret Lives of Women”

December 1, 2009

NCFM member David Woods, who was the lead plaintiff in the Woods v. Horton victory for battered men, is appearing with his attorney, NCFM member Marc Angelucci, on the national TV show “The Secret Lives on Women” on the WE channel on 12/1/09 and again on 12/22 and 12/29.  The episode is called “Husband Beaters.” Husband Beaters...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News | No Comments »