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Steven Appearing on Los Angeles Radio Friday, February 15 at 5:05 PM PST

January 20, 2008

NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda will be appearing on Los Angeles area radio station KVTA 1520 AM ( Friday afternoon, February 15, starting at 5:05 PM Pacific Standard Time. He will discuss the book recently published by Oxford University Press, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate (by Warren Farrell ...
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NCFM receives hundreds of media hits in 2007

January 7, 2008

Throughout the year 2007, NCFM-LA generated hundreds of media hits, including about eight university newspaper articles, several interviews on the evening news, several op eds, several radio interviews, and numerous letters to editors that printed, all related to men’s equal rights.  See   National Coalition for Men
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Webster University campus newspaper quotes NCFM-LA extensively on male DV victims

December 11, 2007

On December 6, 2007, the Webster University campus newspaper, The Journal, quoted NCFM-LA several times in an article titled “Study Finds Women as Violent as Men,” which was generated by an NCFM news release. National Coalition for Men
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NCFM-LA quoted in 7 university newspapers on domestic violence & printed 40 letters to editors in Oc

December 3, 2007

During October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month) and November, seven university campus newspapers quoted NCFM’s Los Angeles chapter (NCFM-LA) extensively on the subject of domestic violence and male victims.  The universities were Purdue, Virginia Tech, University of Connecticut, University of California at Irvine, California State University at Northridge, University of North Carolina, and North Dakota State University.  These stories were generated by an NCFM news release. ...
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NCFMLA raises public and policy maker awareness about under reported domestic violence against men

November 22, 2007
By     National Coalition for Men
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NCFM speaks to gender studies class at California Lutheran University

November 22, 2007

On November 20, 2007, NCFM-LA’s president, Marc Angelucci, was an invited guest lecturer for a gender studies class at California Lutheran University on behalf of NCFM-LA.  He spoke about numerous issues and handed out free copies of Warren Farrell’s book “The Myth of Male Power.”   National Coalition for Men
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NCFM particpates in gender studies class at University of San Diego

November 22, 2007

On November 13, 2007, NCFM President Harry Crouch was an invited guest and speaker for a gender studies class at the University of San Diego, where he spoke on numerous issues and handed out free copies of Warren Farrell’s book “The Myth of Male Power,” which was donated by the Los Angeles chapter of...
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Purdue University newspaper quotes NCFM extensively

November 22, 2007

On November 9, 2007, the campus newspaper at Purdue University, the Purdue Exponent, ran a story on domestic violence and quoted NCFM extensively about male victims and female violence.  The article is availabel at;_id=8333 National Coalition for Men
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NCFM-LA Speaks at UCLA Law

November 22, 2007

On Novemember 5, 2007, NCFM-LA president Marc Angelucci was an invited guest speaker for a Human Rights and Sexual Politics class at UCLA Law for the third year in a row.  He spoke about the men’s rights movement and NCFM in general, fathers’ rights, paternity fraud, male victims of domestic violence, false accusations, men’s reproductive rights, etc., and handed out free...
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