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July 24, 2024

Some years ago, the women who wrote under the name Ann Landers passed away.  An article in “The Washington Post” at the time of her death, discussed the origin of her column. It was revealed that she was selected over a number of other applicants, all female. The Post article appeared during the same...
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NCFM Mr. Manners, Roommates and Feminist Indifference Toward Women

May 24, 2024

My preconception when I first started studying gender issues was that feminism was about fairness for women.  While there were feminists with that orientation, they had influence only for a brief time.  Another erroneous contention I held, was that the media’s goal was to tell the truth regarding male, female issues. Also, incorrect. For...
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NCFM Contributor, Joe Manthey, Boys Have it Worse

May 8, 2024
boys have it worse

First published in the Sonoma County Gazette . Dear Editor: In the March ’24 Gazette editor Amie Windsor asked why women are still paid less than the male dollar. One only has to look at The American Association of University Women (AAUW), who concede that while there is a gender wage gap, the differences...
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NCFM Member Francis Baumli Awarded NCFM’s 2023 Marc Angelucci Award of Honor

May 2, 2024

The NCFM Board of Directors gave to Mr. Baumli the 2023 Marc Angelucci Award of Honor for his decades of work as an men’s advocate, NCFM member, previous NCFM Board Member, editor of NCFM’s Journal Transitions, publisher of numerous related books, author of many related articles and countless hours of volunteer work . Mr....
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NCFM Kenya Liaison Kennedy Owino continues his fight against forced circumcisions in Africa

December 16, 2023
NCFM Kenya Liaison Kennedy Owino continues his fight against forced circumcisions in Africa

NCFM NOTE: NCFM has financially supported Mr. Owino’s work in Africa for several years. He is committed to his cause, does excellent work, and we are very pleased he is one of our Liaisons’. Additional information follows Mr. Owino’s article. ___________________________ Intact Kenya visited Anyuola Radio station in Migori Town, Migori County in Kenya...
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NCFM Mr. Manners, Plastic People – Barbie, Ken, GI-Joe, The Graduate and Who Did Steal Feminism?

September 21, 2023

PLASTIC PEOPLE “Plastic people, oh baby you’re such a drag.” Frank Zappa. “Just one word, Plastics.”  From the movie “The Graduate.” “Regarding the Barbie movie, it has continually been noted that the Barbie doll is a piece of plastic. What is not mentioned, is the harm plastic is doing to our environment, so I...
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NCFM Guest P.D., Jay V. Shore, Certified ADA Advocate, Enough with the Blatant Misandry – THE NON-MISANDRIST POWER AND CONTROL WHEEL

August 17, 2023

NCFM NOTE: Mr. Shore’s subscription page shows “ADA RIGHTS (I have Lalochezia) Your questionable source for mental enemas”. According to “(lal’ō-kē’zē-ă), is the Emotional discharge gained by uttering indecent or filthy words. Beware, the following article clearly demonstrates that. If you are easily offended by colorful words you may wish to turn back...
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NCFM Contributor Steven Bond, CNN’s Barbie-Inspired “What is patriarchy?” Article is Feminist Propaganda

August 8, 2023

This week CNN posted an article inspired by the Barbie movie titled What is patriarchy? What does it mean and why is everyone talking about it? Before I get into a dignified response to this feminist-inspired propaganda piece, please allow me to vent just a bit: The Barbie movie and this CNN article both...
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NCFM Legal Adviser Eric Nelson, PhD., Interview with NCFM Legal Adviser Author & Trial Attorney John Davis, Esq. About False Accusations

July 20, 2023

NCFM Legal Adviser Eric Nelson, PhD., Interview with NCFM Legal Adviser Author & Trial Attorney John Davis, Esq. About False Accusations
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