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Men’s Issues (video)

What are men’s issues?

Watch this short flash video to get a beginning idea. Societal forces like chivalry, misandry and the onerous male sex role of provide and protect have been having the unfortunate consequence of obscuring the needs of men. Our male legislators and judiciary have been busy insuring that the needs of women are addressed but have been miserably impotent in addressing the needs of men. This is, of course, simply a continuation of the same pattern we have seen for thousands of years. Traditionally, men contain the space, provide the resources and focus on the survival and safety of women and children. There is nothing wrong with this except that the focus on women has left men in need. The problem is deepened since men are reluctant to voice their own needs since they see themselves, and are viewed as, providers, not those in need of services. We have worked for over thirty years to free women from being bound to their rigid sex role. Now it is time for us to consider the male side. We simply need to move into the 21st century with an awareness of our blind spots and compassionately focus on all people, including boys and men. At this point we are failing to see the needs of all. Watch the video to get a beginning idea of the issues involved and then check the links below to find out more. We need for good people to have the courage to become aware of their unconscious programming and successfully develop compassion for all.


After watching the video if you find yourself saying, “Oh, he must not care about women” or “It’s just men whining again” then you can claim full license to being a slave to your unconscious programming. Those two responses are the first that are usually heard from those who lack awareness and are ego identified with the error filled status quo. If you find yourself saying that please go and read the booklet and see if maybe it helps you in expanding your knowledge and compassion. Men are good.

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