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NCFM Member Richard Driscoll, Ph.D. (Dr D), A Softer Approach to Punishments

June 4, 2013
NCFM Member Richard Driscoll, Ph.D. (Dr D), A Softer Approach to Punishments

A Softer Approach to Punishments by Richard Driscoll, Ph.D. (Dr D) Punishment has a harsh reputation, and can easily produce lingering bitterness. Suppose typical teenager Sally is required to do her homework before dinner, so she can make it to bed at a reasonable hour and rise for school the next day. Suppose also...
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New organization of leading women for shared parenting may finally end courts favoring mothers

June 4, 2013
New organization of leading women for shared parenting may finally end courts favoring mothers

NCFM NOTE: NCFM Member Larry Kerkman’s CRISPE Bus (Children’s Initiative For Sharing Parents Equally) traveled the country advocating for shared parenting. I was privileged to work with Larry in developing CRISPE. The travel arrangements were unquestionably more comfortable than the Freedom Riders rides several decades ago. But riding for freedom it was nonetheless. State by...
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Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

June 3, 2013
Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

NCFM NOTE: The Men’s Rights Movement is not about male superiority. If men support women’s equality then necessarily women should support men’s equality. Anything less is idiocy.  But, you cannot have one without the other; and, that’s what women like the woman in the above video don’t get. She is a prime example of...
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NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda, Esq., “highly recommends” Why Dads Leave: Insights & Resources for When Partners Become Parents

June 1, 2013
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda, Esq., “highly recommends” Why Dads Leave: Insights & Resources for When Partners Become Parents

Why Dads Leave: Insights & Resources for When Partners Become Parents. By Meryn G. Callander; Contributions by Jack W. Travis, M.D. Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia: Akasha Publications, 2012. US $19.95. 335 pages. Review by J. Steven Svoboda. Australian social worker and wellness expert Meryn Callander has written a truly fascinating and valuable...
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The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

May 30, 2013
The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

NCFM NOTE: For MRA’s this is old news. We see articles like this, smile, and wonder what took others so long to see the truth. It’s all about disenfranchising men while empowering women… fortunately more and more people are starting to figure that out. Feminist notions of equal treatment gave way to elitist feminist...
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ERA now needed to protect males

May 30, 2013
ERA now needed to protect males

NCFM NOTE: While written 12 years ago this article is as timely today as it was then — men need an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). In fact, it’s more timely since things have gotten worse for men — much worse. Women now are more than half the work force. Women far exceed men entering...
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