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NCFM Adviser John Davis, Esq., Men Committing Suicide, a Response to Loise Perry

August 25, 2019
male suicide

John Davis ABSTRACT My article responds to Louise Perry’s “Time to Stop Using Suicide for Political Point-Scoring.” Ms. Perry writes about men committing suicide. Her conclusion is that men, and men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), are using the gender suicide gap as a means of scoring political points against feminists and feminism (as opposed to...
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NCFM Jerry Cox case update, front page news!

August 15, 2019

This, obviously, is huge news. Other than getting our name wrong Mr. Little wrote a hard hitting, fact based, sensational expose. Indeed, and in sum, we will be involved with filing more lawsuits against those who helped upset if not destroy Jerry’s life. Stay tuned, we are just getting warmed up. Unfortunately, it was...
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NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda, Esq. book review, Man Out: Men on the Sidelines of American Life

August 15, 2019

Man Out: Men on the Sidelines of American Life. By Andrew L. Yarrow. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2018. No price on book but Amazon gives list price as $24.99. Review by J. Steven Svoboda Full disclosure: The author and I had some fairly extensive discussions (I am briefly quoted on pp. 158-159)...
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NCFM Profile #2; VP and Adviser Marc E. Angelucci, Improving Men’s Lives the Legal Way

August 10, 2019

NCFM NOTE: This is the second in a series of profiles of our Advisers, the first being for Julie Brand. We hope to profile one Adviser every 10 to 12 months or as time permits. We are indebted to NCFM Member Michael Sirak for working with our Advisers and writing their profiles, which takes...
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NCFM transcript of Jerry Cox rape false allegation trial – BIG VICTORY FOR THE GOOD GUYS!

August 10, 2019
false accusation

Here is the entire transcript of Jerry Cox’s 7/26/19 false rape accusation trial. NCFM’s volunteer legal team took this case for a number of reasons, one being that the police and the County arrested and charged Jerry without gathering the exculpatory evidence that was right in their hands (such as cell phone texts, etc.),...
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NCFM Member James Jackson, Binary Victimhood

August 8, 2019

Many systems in the world are, for the most part, binary. Off/On. Positive/Negative. Yes/No. Day/Night. Right/Left. Alive/Dead. Black/White. Guilty/Not Guilty. Win/Lose. Quantum/Classical. Offense/Defense. Credit/Debit. Convex/Concave. Hard Cover/Paperback. CW/CCW. Yin/Yang. Belt/Suspenders. Deciduous/Evergreen. Aloha/Aloha. Paper/Plastic. Schrader/Presta. Smooth/Crunchy. Pica/Elite. Digital/Analog. Bikini. Inny/Outy. Stalactite/Stalagmite. Male/Female. Victimhood is also binary. Women can be victims. Men can’t. In reality, men...
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