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NCFM Navy Veteran Member, The Black Hole of Military Injustice Castigates Innocent Men

October 15, 2016
NCFM Navy Veteran Member, The Black Hole of Military Injustice Castigates Innocent Men

The Black Hole of Military Injustice Castigates Innocent Men It is with difficulty that I set my fingers to the keyboard to write what must be said. This issue is painful to consider, but tragically real none-the-less. Another man sits incarcerated in a prison, not as a result of justice served, but rather as...
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NCFM Member James Jackson, The Real Sexual Double Standard

October 13, 2016
NCFM Member James Jackson, The Real Sexual Double Standard

The Real Sexual Double Standard By James Jackson Women complain that there is a sexual double standard, that men are allowed to be sexual and that women are sexually restricted. But, it is quite the opposite. Male sexuality is increasingly becoming despicable, contemptible, and illegal, while women’s sexuality continues to be glorified. Consider, for...
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NCFM Member Peter Allemano’s Report on His Red Pill Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

October 12, 2016
NCFM Member Peter Allemano’s Report on His Red Pill Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

AN  NCFM MEMBER’S REPORT FROM NEW YORK: WORLD PREMIERE OF “THE RED PILL” by Peter Allemano After work on Friday, October 7, I took the short subway ride from Midtown Manhattan to Union Square and walked a few blocks south, to Cinema Village. It was a splendid, mild fall evening — so typical of what...
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NCFM Adviser and USA Coordinator for International Men’s Day, Diane Sears sent us, Male Suicide: The Proverbial ‘Elephant in the Room’

October 11, 2016
NCFM Adviser and USA Coordinator for International Men’s Day, Diane Sears sent us, Male Suicide: The Proverbial ‘Elephant in the Room’

MALE SUICIDE:  THE PROVERBIAL “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” The World Health Organization (  reports that 450,000,000 souls out of the 7,466,598,202 souls with whom we share space on Planet Earth are struggling with mental disorders.  The mental disorders include, but are not limited to, dementia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder....
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NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You

October 10, 2016
NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You

NCFM Thank You, We’re Here Because of You      
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NCFM Member Kit Martin, Another Horrific Miscarriage of Justice, Politically Correct Persecution and Wrongful Conviction of an Innocent Soldier

October 10, 2016
NCFM Member Kit Martin, Another Horrific Miscarriage of Justice, Politically Correct Persecution and Wrongful Conviction of an Innocent Soldier

NCFM NOTE: Harry Crouch, NCFM President is an Adviser and supporter of Save Our Heroes (SOH), a new nonprofit organization dedicated to helping members of the military who careers and lives were destroyed by a false allegation or wrongful conviction of sexual assault and related offenses. Mario Jeffers’ story, like many others, shows how military men are...
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