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NCFM files opening appellate brief in NCFM v. Selective Service System

June 25, 2014
selective service

Join the National Coalition For Men. We can do it too!

If you have been following this case, you will recall that last year the lower court dismissed NCFM v. Selective Service System as premature (not â€śripe”) because the military had not completely implemented its new policy of allowing women to hold combat positions. NCFM Vice-President Marc Angelucci, Esq., our attorney, appealed to the 9th Circuit Court. Our opening appellate brief (below in two parts) was due April 10, 2014. But there was some confusion about how to designate a “Clerk’s Transcript” (the documents filed by both sides leading up to the order) to make it into the appellate court record.  Federal rules were not clear. So the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted our motion for more time, until June 27, 2014, to file our opening brief. It was filed today, June 25, 2014.

A copy of the brief is below. It’s in two PDF parts. The file was to large for uploading as one PDF. The links are below:

selective service

140625 NCFM Selective Service lawsuit OPENING BRIEF FINAL section 1

140625 NCFM Selective Service lawsuit OPENING BRIEF FINAL section 2

selective serviceThe Selective Service System should require women to register as well as men.

There is no justification for not requiring women to sign up for the Selective Service.

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4 Responses to NCFM files opening appellate brief in NCFM v. Selective Service System

  1. Isaac on January 23, 2016 at 12:54 AM

    Maybe people will stop backing pointless wars when they have to think about killing their daughters, too.

    • chester on January 28, 2016 at 5:51 PM

      yap that’s right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Brian on August 21, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    Has the NCFM heard any support for this lawsuit from the ACLU or any other civil rights/civil liberties groups?

  3. Pete on June 26, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    Awsome !

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