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NCFM sends open letter to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation opposing their circumcision efforts in sub-Saharan Africa

July 17, 2014

You can help us stop such things by clicking on the picture and financially supporting our efforts.

Regardless of your beliefs about circumcision you should go to this link “botched circumcisions horror stories or for a quicker awakening see the picture galleries at “botched circumcisions.” Then, come back here and read the letter we sent: 141617-Cover-letter-AND-the-open-letter-to-the-Gates-Foundation

While there is disagreement as to whether circumcising all boys and men in sub-Saharan Africa, regardless of age, will cut the spread of HIV, AIDS, and other communicable diseases in the region, there is real evidence that doing so does considerably more harm than good, including disfiguring, infecting, and killing males by botched circumcisions.


Steven Svoboda testifying at the United Nations.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds much of the butchery. Their efforts have not produced the intended results. So, we asked them to stop their funding and we are trusting that this well-meaning Foundation act accordingly.

Several knowledgeable people worked on this project. At one time the letter was eight pages or so long. The last version, the one below, is a lean two pages with references, and very readable. I wish to thank everyone who helped, each one of you are making the world a better place for all of us and our future generations. Special thanks go to Steven Svoboda and Peter Adler, attorneys for the Rights of the Child who did the lion’s share of the work.



Click here to read the letter:


All males should have the right to decide whether circumcision is right for them; boys upon reaching the age of majority, but not before.

national coalition for menThe consequences of circumcision, especially botched circumcision, are horrific and life altering.

Stop forced circumcision   Stop forced circumcision   Stop forced circumcision   Stop forced circumcision

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3 Responses to NCFM sends open letter to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation opposing their circumcision efforts in sub-Saharan Africa

  1. stevem660 on August 2, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    Further problems with the referencing: no. 5 merely duplicates no. 4. No. 6 refers to no. 5 above which has no relevance to the mention of 6 in the text. No. 3 is supposed to be about male to female transmission but it merely refers the reader to the collection of items in 1 & 2 without saying which one contains it, and none of which are the primary source. The referencing in this letter is very careless.

  2. stevem660 on August 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    There are problems with the referencing. Boyle and Hill are mentioned in notes 2 & 16 where the reader is referred to note 1 (“Supra n.1”) but note 1 does not contain this reference. Notes 9 & 11 are to Van Howe & Storms and say “Supra n.12” but 12 is another reference, and comes below 9 & 11, not above (“Supra” means “above”).

  3. Cromario on July 19, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    But Bill believes that chopping off boys penises is the right thing to do. Maybe he wants the African people to believe in the one true faith, Judaism. So we have to support his effort to sterilise the African continent, how else can we have population control and stop all the diseases that are spreading from Africa?

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