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NCFM update in the case of U.S. Army Major Kit Martin, an abused man

July 1, 2015


Major Kit Martin Sexual Assault CaseLatest Developments in the U.S. Army Major Kit Martin Sexual Assault Case

Following an intensive six month investigation, NCFM posted an article on April 1st along with a copy of a 19 page complaint sent to several people, including Defense Secretary Ash Carter and the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General about the persecution and pending court-martial of U.S. Army Major Christian “Kit” Martin.

Major Martin has been charged with a variety of sex related offenses stemming from a highly contentious divorce, all of which have been discredited. Otherwise, he is a highly decorated Apache Helicopter Pilot with several combat deployments in Iraq and a clean record until he told his wife he wanted a divorce.

As a result of our efforts, the Department of Defense (DOD), Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated a â€śwhistleblower investigation” into Fort Campbell’s handling of Major Martin’s case, which is ongoing.

One of the many problems with this case involves what seem to be serious ethical and procedural violations by Fort Campbell JAG prosecutor, Major Jenny Schlack-White, who was a member of Major Martin’s prosecution team. Those infractions are discussed in our investigative report. Accordingly, an appropriate complaint was filed with the Commonwealth of Kentucky State Bar.

Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D) New York is the loudest voice calling for reforms in the handling of sexual assault related cases on college campuses and in the military.  She even invited to the State of the Union Address, Columbia University’s infamous and wholly discredited Emma Sulkowicz, otherwise known as “Mattress Girl.”  Senator Gillibrand apparently believes false allegations from delusional victims trump factual evidence. According to an article at, “Gillibrand called Sulkowicz, whose alleged attacker Columbia found not responsible in the incident, “a woman of great courage who got no justice.”

Holding sex offenders accountable is certainly necessary, but not in the absence of evidence or when the accuser’s accusations have been thoroughly discredited by several investigating agencies, civilian courts, and even school tribunals, as in Major Martin’s case and the young male college student victim wrongly labeled rapist in Mattress Girl’s ludicrous charade, as applicable.

The Federal government is attempting to eliminate the presumption of innocence, the ability to face and cross-examine accusers, and other due process protections in postsecondary education institutions and the military, especially as they apply to allegations of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and domestic violence.  Even if it means destroying innocent men including incarcerating them for crimes never committed.

Unfortunately, resulting overhanded political pressure causes military commanders to violate constitutional safeguards they swore to protect in favor of career protection and advancement.

Consequently, gender divisiveness may be more prevalent now than it has ever been in the military, an observation thundering in no uncertain terms from a Facebook rant (below) targeted at Senator Gillibrand. Among others things, Jenny Sue Schlack says in the post that men she works with refuse to have closed-door discussions with her for fear of being accused of sexual harassment or assault.

The State Bar in the Commonwealth of Kentucky may not revoke Major Schlack-White’s law license; however if she is Jenny Sue, the Facebook post may cost her military career. Schlack says in the post,  â€śSenator Gillibrand…single handedly caused more gender divisiveness in the military than I have ever experienced in over 11 years of service… She is an idiot.” Schlack deserves a medal for the Facebook post.

Many military men fear the mere allegation of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking or domestic violence will result in their removal from service, a possible court-martial, or prison sentence.  As a result, scores of highly trained and dedicated military men are leaving the service, which may be exactly what the current political regime wants.

Man-bad-woman-good mentality along with the constant hammering in briefings that men are rapists and abusers in wait, have to be adversely impacting military morale and the overall military mission.

On the good side, Major Martin has retained a new civilian and military criminal defense team, to include NCFM Adviser Attorney William L. SummersAttorney R. Tucker Richardson III, and Army JAG Defense Counsel Captain John Shutt from Fort Knox Kentucky.

William L. Summers


Mr. Summers has been practicing law since 1969 and is considered one of the preeminent military criminal defense attorneys in the nation.  You can go to Mr. Summer’s website and see a lengthy list of accomplishments to include several famous cases.



R. Tucker Richardson III



Mr. Richardson was elected in 2015 to the prestigious American Board of Criminal Lawyers .  He too has a lengthy list of accomplishments.



Hopefully Major Martin’s case and his new legal team will help bring more attention to the wrongful wagging of middle fingers at military personnel, both men and women, in similar situations. Political expediency is no excuse for ruining innocent people, regardless of gender.Facebook post to Gillibrand

National Coalition for MenThose making false allegations of sexual assault should be held accountable, not their intended victims.

Sexual assault is a serious accusation. False accusers should face the same consequences as those they accuse would if convicted.

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