Edward Stephens, MD/Psychiatry
Eating Disorders, Neuropsychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry, Psychiatry
42 years in practice
169 E 74th St
New York, NY 10021
Telephone: (212) 327-3055
Dr. Stephens completed medical school in 1967 at National University of Ireland, Galway. His postgraduate work in Psychology was completed in New York in 1977. Dr. Stephens is affiliated with Cabrini Medical Center and Gracie Square Hospital.
Special areas of interest and expertise in addition to general psychiatry are child & adolescent psychiatry with special interest in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, parent/child relationship development through teaching communication skills, adult depression and underlying attention deficit disorders and working with men in psychotherapy. Dr. Stephens served on the American Psychological Association Committee on Children.
Dr. Stephens suffered through his own bitter divorce and custody fight beginning in 1996. His ex-wife alienated his children from him, and he was denied joint custody of his 12-year-old. Dr. Stephens has been a crusader for mens’ and fathers’ rights since then. He has worked as a psychiatric and court-appointed expert in divorce cases. He co-founded the NCFM-NY chapter.
While attending a 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society Conference on Men’s Issues Dr. Stephens posed the question “What is misandry?” Only a few hands went up. When he asked about the meaning of misogyny there was a universal understanding that it represented a hatred of or denigration of women. Dr. Stephens early realized that the mental health needs of men would remain largely neglected until this disparity in understanding the genders was balanced.
Dr. Stephens was lead plaintiff in the Holstein v. Magellan class-action suit aimed at managed care antitrust practices was settled favorably for all mental health professionals in the U.S. Dr. Stephens, “I have taken the position in my lawsuit that there has been a criminal conspiracy to defraud the public and patients. Mental health providers are dealing with a conscienceless class of business people.”
As a member of the Mens’ Health Network Dr. Stephens served on the advisory board of “Your Head: An Owner’s Manual” which developed to help others understand and overcome male depression, anxiety, and stress. The advisory board is a group of men and women-psychiatrists, physicians, psychologists, public health experts, social workers, and advocates for men’s health-working together toward the common goal of improving the health, longevity, and quality of life for men and their families from all walks of life.
Dr. Stephens, I’m writing to find out if the men’s rights websites are being run by religious men. I’m trying to send out a message to men that I’ve not seen on any of their websites. I mention Mother Mary as a mythological subject, but I’ve already had religious men simply dismiss me as being sacrilegious without reading or considering my message. I consider it vitally important to understanding our position as men. I’m going to post that message here:
I’m writing to you to remind you of two things. The first one is human artificial sperm. Its completion is on the horizon.
There is an unmistakable pattern in human society from the earliest of times. In the Stone Age, the Fertility Goddess was a woman who has a child in the total absence of a human father. Fast forward that 25,000 years, and you have Mother Mary, a woman who has a child in the total absence of a human father. In the 20th century, there were Sperm Banks, Dolly the Sheep (cloning), and Ovular Merging, all to bring about a woman who has a child in the total absence of a human father. If there is one thing that humans are interested in, it is power. And being the self-contained Creator of Life has been the longest, most cherished power fantasy of collective motherhood since the beginning. And since the beginning, there has been one pesky little life form that has stood in their way between their most cherished power fantasy and the fulfillment of that fantasy in reality. Is it any wonder that that pesky little life form has been collective motherhood’s number-one scapegoat, whipping boy, kickaround hate-sink since the beginning? Sigmund Freud missed it when he said that women have penis envy; what they have always had is sperm envy.
But now Collective Motherhood’s Holy Grail that will finally fulfill their destiny as the real-world Creator of Life is on the horizon: the global availability of viable human artificial sperm. It was being developed in the UK in the early 2000s, but seems to have been shut down by those father-respecting Brits. However, Feminism, today’s representation of Collective Motherhood, is Big Business, and has simply funded research for artificial sperm elsewhere, notably in Japan and China. They have already successfully developed viable artificial sperm in laboratory mice. And scientists don’t use laboratory mice for nothing; mouse DNA is very close to human DNA. So I say it’s going to be sooner than later that human artificial sperm becomes a reality. And when that happens, it’s no stretch of the imagination to me that the gendercide of men will occur shortly after. I’ve been around enough men already who have been so brainwashed by Feminist teaching as to hate themselves as men, that when it comes time for them to line up naked in front of a mass grave pit and receive a bullet in the back of their head, they won’t even so much as put up a fight.
Now, there’s one thing that can fix all this, which is the second of the two things I’m writing to remind you of. It’s Balanced Parenting, where 50% of those raising infants and small children every day from the delivery room forward are men as fathers. This has never occurred to any significant amount all through history. Put simply, the children would be bonding with both the fathers and the mothers equally, and grow up to be giving both sexes their “yes” votes. But believe me, I’m not ignorant about the reality of this. My Classics professor once taught me that only rarely has power been transferred peacefully between the incumbent administration and the succeeding administration. I hate to speculate what it’s actually going to take to bring about Balanced Parenting. But I do know that we men have got to get focused on these two things, and start fighting Collective Motherhood. We need laws established that will shut down the development of human artificial sperm, like it appears that they did in Great Britain. We need to vote for father-friendly politicians to run our land. And we need to stand as one against Feminism, and shut Her down for good!