Robert R. Parker, Jr., LL.B

Extensive experience in legislative relations and government affairs acquired in the context of serving in substantive staff positions for three (3) state legislative bodies (Alabama, Michigan and Oregon) in addition to being trained as a political campaign operative by national political party.
Researched and drafted legislative measures and regulatory proposal for state legislative bodies, state agencies, bureaus and departments, in addition to drafting and presentation of testimony before legislative committees and sub-committees. Extensive regulatory and administrative agency experience including practices and procedures before all local, state and federal entities. Handled financial institutions and public utility research and regulation drafting in Oregon and Alabama.
Additional expertise in construction defect claims and all other aspects of commercial liability insurance claims, civil litigation practices, processes and procedures.
2006-Present-DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS- Responsible for the drafting and presentation of legislative proposals to state and federal legislators consistent with the implementation of Paternity Fraud Legislation in a multi-state context. Proposed Model Act legislation successfully passed in Georgia and Florida. Presently working on California and New Jersey legislation.
Independent consultant to small business owners, neighborhood, non-profit entities and grass roots organizations in the development and implementation of legislative and/or regulatory strategy. Represented clients, drafted and prepared legislative proposals and presented testimony before local, state and federal governmental bodies.
1993-1995-LEGISLATIVE ANALYST-Alabama Legislative Reference Service.
Drafted legislative measures and regulatory proposals for state House of Representatives and State Senate. Drafted and presented testimony before legislative committees and subcommittees, state regulatory and administrative bodies. Research and analysis of all legislative measures and regulatory proposals from State Public Utility Commission, Department of Insurance, state chartered financial institutions and Real Estate Commission.
1987 Legislative Session-SENATE COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATOR-Business, Housing and Finance Committee, Oregon State Senate.
Responsible for the administrative functions of the second busiest committee in the
Oregon Legislature. Committee provided primary legislative oversight of Public Utilities
Commission, which included the telecommunications legislation, Department of Real
Estate, Oregon State Housing Commission, Commerce Department, Department of Insurance and Finance and the Corporation Commission. Handled the legislative revision of the entire state’s corporation code during the session bringing the State into compliance with the ABA’s Model Corporation Code. Researched and drafted legislative measures and amendments, coordinated public hearings and work sessions and presented all legislative measures to the floor for action by full Senate for votes.
1985-1987-Political Operative-DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
Trained by national political party in all aspects of local, state and national campaigns for elective office. Specialized in opposition research, intelligence analysis, polling, drafting of direct mail ads, television and radio spot production, fund raising techniques, get out the vote strategies and related matters. Served on the National Democratic Election Force which successfully retook control of the U.S. Senate during the second term of President Reagan.
Served as legislative aide to member of the House of Representatives and doubled as Committee Assistant for Chair of the House Civil Rights Committee. Assisted member in becoming member of House Appropriations Committee during tenure.
1979-1985-NCCU LAW SCHOOL, Durham, North Carolina
Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL.B.)
1978-1979- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Elected to student government, served as first student lobbyist to Michigan Legislature and admitted to law school at completion of junior year of matriculation.
1977-1979-WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Ann Arbor, Michigan