3/18/2011 the San Diego Community Coalition presents. “Men’s Rights – An Important Human Rights Issue”
Radio broadcast is 3 hours.
There is often talk about the glass ceiling and little talk about the glass floor. Men are being denied their rights as fathers, workers and human beings by the courts and other institutions that have simply gone too far. Feminist movements while promoting equality seem to be replacing the good old boys’ club with a good old girls’ one.
Some in the country think it is time for men to take a stand and work with women for REAL equality. This show features Harry Crouch of the National Coalition for Men and California Men Centers along with attorney R.K. Hendrick, Esq, author of the book “How To Avoid Getting Screwed When Getting Laid“.
Harry you are my Hero ! Lets stop the Femi-Natzis of the World !
Cheers from Bulgaria.
Hi i’m Robert the founder of The ‘WBBO’ World Better Business Org Located in Chicago.
I Have a personal issue, i’m an American father to a baby Girl Named Miley who lives with her mother in Vietnam. Miley will be 2 years old may 08 2011 and she has not seen her father face after the 1st day of her birth.
We need World human rights for fathers / and human rights for Amerasian children .. please read more
If any person or org likes to net work with us please email or call, we will have a fund raiser to help get AMERASIAN Children to America.
We will walk from Illinois to indiana to Minn. please email e2bobbie@yahoo.com
and Call Robert Greco for more info @ 312 – 521 – 3152
[ Chicago ]
Please sign the petition to disbar Mary Kellet in Maine.She is going after innocent men on bogus claims of Rape. Learn more at: AVoiceforMen.com
I would like to see a national organization for men’s rights like there are for women’s rights. And have society stop acting like women are victims when they seem to be creating their own problems like the abortion issue. They try to say they have no control over them getting pregnant.
Its about time, someone started speaking about this
I absolutely love it! Thank you NCFM!!
– RK