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NCFM Advisor, Phil Cook, Author of “Abused Men” invited to speak at Pacific University

April 13, 2011

Phil Cook's Abused Men, the first definitive work about abused men.

NCFM Advisor and Oregon Liaison Phil Cook was invited to speak at Pacific University. He reports that he:

… learned something interesting on April 5th at the talk I gave on behalf of NCFM at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. Change is possible.

This University claims to be one of only three that has a true gender-equity center and department. About five years ago they did away with the standard women-only center and opened the same department to everyone including men and the LGBT community.

The Center Director talked with me about possibly doing more events. I put her in touch with the Ed Stephens, President of the Foundation for Male Studies, and the “Boys Initiative” which launched February 2010.

It was a two person panel discussion, me and a senior male student. We were in an open fireside discussion in the student commons with about 40 students and about five faculty members.

The questions put to us are pasted below and were thoughtful.

-What is the nature of the men’s right’s movement? How did it start, and what is its status today?

-It is a plain fact that the Draft is only applicable to men. However, women are not required to join. What are some of the repercussions a man faces if he refuses to even sign up for the Draft? What is the source of this inequity in regards to the Draft? Is this an issue that groups are actively trying to remedy?

-Evidence indicates that men are often sentenced longer and more harshly than women for the same crime. For instance, a Colorado resident was murdered in 2001 by a man and woman who were convicted by two separate juries. She was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment while he was sentenced to death. How would you explain such inequity and inconsistencies in the judicial system? Do these perhaps expose greater issues of the judicial system?

-Some might are argue that the men’s right movement is anti-feminist because of its mission and goals. Do the objectives of the men’s rights movement contradict those of feminists? Or do they compliment each other?

-How are men affected in terms of family law? Are men treated equally in such scenarios like custody battles, or do the laws favor one parent over the other?

-There is a noted trend in education that college populations have a higher percentage of women than men. Primary school teachers are mainly females. And in industrialized nations such as in the UK, some medical schools purposefully admit two women for every male. What do you believe is the cause of trends such at this? Are these instances coincidental or are there measures in place to cause them to happen? Are there remedies to the situation, and if so, what are they?

-Much attention has been paid to the manner that women are portrayed by the media and advertising. But it may be argued that men experience the same treatment as well. How is it that men are being portrayed in advertising and the media? Are these affecting the way men look at themselves? What other harm might the negative portrayal of men cause?

-Many of the issues explored seem to primarily concern adult males. But do these issues extended to male youths? Are children often considered in the men’s rights movement?

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