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NCFM helps bring ethic charges against Prosecutor Mary Kellet

April 14, 2012

kellettThis is HUGE news from Maine re Prosecutor Mary Kellet.

Bar Counsel Scott Davis has filed formal ethics charges against Mary Kellett.  This is a very serious and rare action by the Bar Counsel and Board of Overseers. While it is not all we hoped it would be, it is definitely a historic action that spells trouble for Mary Kellett.

If you did not follow this drama use the search box in the upper right hand corner of this page and search for “Mary Kellett”. NCFM and others filed complaints against Kellett who appears to be a mean spirited, ideologically impaired, man-hater who blatantly abused the law to persecute as many innocent men as she could. It is our hope that Counsel Davis’s investigation will result in Kellett’s disbarment, if not imprisonment.

Robert Franklin of Father’s and Families has written an analysis after reviewing the petition.

Please spread this amazing news to other organizations, media contacts, and anyone else you can think of, as appropriate.

To reiterate, Kellett needs to be fired, needs to be disbarred, and musts be subjected to a criminal civil rights investigation by the Department of Justice.

Vladek Filler and his sister Tatyana refused to give in to the relentless persecution of Kellett. Vladek’s ordeal is now being appealed before the Supreme Court and we are hopeful that he will be completely vindicated.

Please, email media outlets in Maine and ask them to cover this story. Please lend you support with renewed calls for justice in Maine.

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4 Responses to NCFM helps bring ethic charges against Prosecutor Mary Kellet

  1. John on April 15, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    Congratulations Harry and NCFM for your lead role in bringing Mary Kellett to account. Even now while some are too busy with premature celebrations, NCFM is calling for continued actions to insure justice is done in Maine.
    That's what I call Mens Rights Activism.

  2. Ivan on April 15, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    Finally !!! Good job guys . Bravo Harry !! We are very proud of you !!

  3. Ray on April 14, 2012 at 9:13 PM

    Maine's feminist influenced legal system has serious problems. Sadly, innocent men are being done great harm and injustice.

  4. Howard on April 14, 2012 at 8:54 PM

    Awesome news. Finally. Will be sharing this. Sign the petition so we can get to 1,000. Perhaps we should do one for that prosecutor Sue Baur who announced she refuses to prosecute false rape accusers, thus telling women it's open season on men.

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