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Chilling recording: Husband: ‘Are you going to make something up that I hit you?’ Wife: ‘Yes, without a doubt.’

June 14, 2012
Kelly Convoy is (or then was) reported to be the Legislative Director for State Senator Neal Breslin. As such, she would be the gatekeeper for any legislation having to do with domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, false allegations, and anything thing else of interest to the Women Industries. It seems she put her legislative knowledge to use against her husband…

Article from  “The Community of the Falsely Accused“. The elitist feminists still proclaim that women don’t make false allegations. Of course anyone with the ability to independently think knows that is absurd. The transcript below pretty much sums it up…

A chilling false accusation case is in the news in New York. A former prosecutor in the Albany County District Attorney’s Office named William Conboy III, 35, and his wife wife Kelly Conboy, 33, were involved in a bitter divorce and custody battle when Kelly Conboy reported to police that her husband had kicked and choked her, that he pushed her to the ground, and that he kicked her in the throat with a rubber-soled boot and dragged the boot from her throat to her chest.  Mr. Conboy, who claimed the allegations were false, was arrested.

According to William Conboy’s attorney, Kelly Conboy’s allegations coincided with important events in the couple’s divorce and custody dispute. Kelly Conboy was served with divorce papers on Dec. 19, 2011. Later that day, records show she emailed an Assistant District Attorney, the lead sex crimes prosecutor in Albany County. The email stated: “I need to know and speak with whoever is taking over my case ASAP.” In addition, it was only after a judge ruled that Kelly Conboy could only have supervised visits with her daughter that she officially filed charges against William Conboy.

Mr. Conboy sought to prove the charges were lies, but, as WNYT’s report of the case succinctly put it: “As a young prosecutor, William Conboy knew he had been placed in a tough position of being forced to prove a negative. In other words, he had to prove that something did not happen.”

The case was all set to go to trial, the jury had been picked, but the charges were dismissed before opening statements. The prosecution’s star witness, Kelly Conboy, refused to attend the trial. William Conboy’s attorney was prepared to play for a jury a recording William Conboy had made where his wife threatened him with a vicious false accusation. Watch the news report of the case and hear pertinent portions of the actual call. The rage and the unbridled vindictiveness in Kelly Conboy’s voice is beyond description:

Kelly:  “I want you to know what’s going to happen.”
Bill: “Ok”
Kelly: “If you are not out by tonight with all your stuff, I will call the Albany Police Department, and say that you beat me, and get an order of protection next week against you.”
Bill: “Are you going to make something up that I hit you?”
Kelly: “Yes, without a doubt.”
Bill: “Why would you do that kell?”
Kelly: “Why would I do that? To get you out of the house, that’s why?”

The recording was more than enough to have all charges dismissed against Bill Conboy. According to Cheryl Coleman, William Conboy’s attorney, he has no intention of pressing criminal charges against his wife, even though that may not be his choice.  A special prosecutor has been appointed to review the case.

Kelly Conboy’s attorney told a newspaper reporter: “This was not an act of vengeance or spite on Mrs. Conboy’s part. The reason she elected not to testify against Mr. Conboy is that would only serve to make her strained relationship with Mr. Conboy even worse and this would have a negative impact on their young daughter.”  He noted the tape-recording took place after the alleged assault and “doesn’t prove the incident didn’t happen.” He said his client stands by her statement.


False Allegation

False Allegation

False Allegation

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9 Responses to Chilling recording: Husband: ‘Are you going to make something up that I hit you?’ Wife: ‘Yes, without a doubt.’

  1. Greg on July 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM

    Lock her up.

    Her false allegations Silences the voices of the True Victims.

  2. Ivan on June 22, 2012 at 11:14 AM… – Just want to share this article with everyone . Its not related but …its very good.
    Enjoy my brothers !!

    Cheers from Canada

  3. mlj1219 on June 16, 2012 at 7:55 AM

    "The reason she elected not to testify against Mr. Conboy is that would only serve to make her strained relationship with Mr. Conboy even worse and this would have a negative impact on their young daughter.” What a hypocritical boldface liar (my opinion).

    Let's do the math, he refuses to involve her in a scandalous prosecution for filing a horrendous false accusation that will scar their daughter for life. She causes the father of her daughter to be jailed, have a record over his head, causes an ethics investigation & puts his career & livlihood in SERIOUS JEOPARDY. Am I the only one who sees that a woman will cut off her nose to spite her face? If this can happen to a former prosecutor how easy could it happen to a guy who works at Walmart?

    • Mad Dog Mike64806 on July 2, 2012 at 11:45 PM

      Yes i see it too. but what makes this worse is the depth of lies, false allegations, and depravity that a woman is willing to stoop to in order to destroy a man and his bond with his children. The sad part is the fact that most men won't do that to a woman. but they will have no problem doing it to us. This is the result of women having rights without responsiblilty, and men having responsibility without rights.

    • maddogmike64806 on July 7, 2012 at 11:00 PM

      The problem I see is this,men are not willing to thow a woman under the bus. but a woman will thow a man under a fleet of buses. I however don’t think that way. She better be glad it wasn’t me. I would file every charge against her the law will allow. I don’t believe in letting women get away with anything that I can’t get away with.

  4. ian on June 15, 2012 at 3:55 PM

    All men need to carry dictaphones or recording devices at all times today. Why was this vile women not prosecuted or punished in any way? Just how corrupt is the law when even a recording of her own guilt does not make them do anything?

    • Michale on September 11, 2012 at 2:00 PM

      Excellent excellet question! The answer is thus; if we started to actually prosecuted these vile females, the ‘system’ proper would actually have to address this in a fundamental way and we can’t have that now can we?

  5. mlj1219 on June 15, 2012 at 7:25 AM

    If somebody was smart, they would post the email address of the special prosecuting attorney so men could email their concerns about this case of false accusations of DV being coddled or swept under the rug. She either filed a frivilous police report or a false report or the police were derelict in their duties. It has to be one or the other. If their is no outcry of foul then this will get brushed to the side as most false accusations are handled.

    I noticed that she (Kelly Conboy) had no problem emailing the Assistant District Attorney when she wanted to push her case along.

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