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NCMF faxes letter to all members of Congress about the hypocracy of those pushing for Senate version of VAWA

December 20, 2012

Click on the letter to read the PDF version

Shameless Hypocrisy

In recent weeks, Domestic Violence Industry operatives – including several lawmakers – have claimed the Violence Against Women Act needs to help “all” victims of domestic violence.

Yet, these same people appear on talk show after talk show advocating for VAWA to provide for immigrant women, American Indian women, lesbian women…but no mention of men, heterosexual, gay, or other.

The VAWA funded National Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s (NCADV) massive directory of over 2000 domestic violence programs notes how vital it is to advocate for “women and children.” Some shelter programs in the directory allow mothers with male children. Thousands of programs are listed for women. There are none specifically for males.

Yet, the CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey and numerous other scientific studies found men and women equally engage in partner aggression. Moreover, intimate partner violence initiated by women is the primary reason they are injured (Professor Sandra Stith, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2004).

Just last week, Joyce Maxine Gregory, 35, of Shelby, Ohio, squeezed her boyfriend’s genitals so hard one of his testicles exploded from his scrotum. She attacked him as he was calling 911 for help.

Those who refuse to acknowledge female-initiated abuse deny scientific reality and turn a blind eye to a preventable cause of injury. Those who turn a blind eye on abused men and boys are cruel.

Columnist Barbara Kay rightly exposed the domestic violence industry for promoting “fear and hatred [of men] in place of facts.”

VAWA is a mask to cover the ugliness of a divisive and virulent anti-male agenda. It in no way comes close to helping all victims. Intimate partner violence cannot be reduced without equitable treatment and comprehensive services for victims regardless of sex or gender.  

In Virginia, the VAWA funded Tahirih Justice Center recently reported helping “249 female” and “0 male” victims…


121220 ltr faxed to Congress re VAWA and hypocracy



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