130123 NCFM press release re selective service and women in combat
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It was G.W. Bush’s policy (executive order?) that military women be exempt from front line ground combat, but be allowed to serve as helo pilots, jet pilots, etc. in front line combat. Of course, a number of women in support services on the ground have from time to time found themselves in front line ground combat due to the fog of war, or sometimes when needed to interact with Iraqi, or Afghan women.
The last I heard the casualty and death rate for women in current wars was less than 3 percent. Yep, casualties and deaths for men were greater than 97 percent.
I heard on one news show today that women must still meet the military requirements for programs like SEALS, Rangers, etc. so it sounds like they’re not going to “gender norm” those positions for the sake of some affirmative action policy just to advance women in those positions.
Did you hear the one about the 90 pound gender feminist who blew up herself and her instructor during live grenade practice, because her arm was too weak? Punch line, That “level” playing field now has two more mounds [graves] in it.
Historically, women have been exempt from serving in wars in order to reproductively help maintain the population of countries – of the human species.
With more than 50, 000, 000 abortions committed by American women in the past four decades, it sure doesn’t appear that America has a crying need for women’s reproductive talents to maintain the population level.
Zimbabwa now has a major problem with the returning woman who served in combat/leader roles-only Selective Service will make sure there is a balance and true Equality.
It is a double standard ! Its sexist and unfair to men !! We have to do something about it .
Harry , my man . I love you brother but ….we have to change that logo of NCFM ! Looks scary ,looks like Fascist’s symbol ,its just not right . My wife sad the something . People thing that we are bunch of red neck angry men that we can’t get a girlfriend and that’s so not true . Also , if you allow please , me as a member I thing I have the right to say something . Harry ,you are amazing guy but can you be little more present at U-Tube and Facebook ,please .
I’m from Toronto ,Canada ,the Misandry capital of North America !! We all saw what took place just recently here in U of T . It was ugly . Women only Fitness clubs are everywhere ,women’s comities .However there are some good things happening in Canada on Federal level . Our PM ,Harper canceled 12 Feminists organizations 2 years a go !! Amazing guy !! The new Sun News Network is very fair to men . You gays should really have an Affiliate in Toronto ,where you are need it a lot . Because the province of Ontario is run buy Radical Feminists .
Harry ,you should get in touch with Barbara Kay and the ‘Real women of Canada ‘ organization who are Federally funded . They are good women . Thank you and have great year guys and Keep pushing !!!
Seriously dough our logo ….looks creepy . Later .