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NCFM Chicago Face2Face Board Meeting Venue Changed!

August 5, 2014



NCFM Face-to-Face in Chicago (CHANGE OF VENUE!).

Friday September 5th through Sunday September 7th, 2014.

All NCFM members encouraged to attend!

RSVP to by August 15, 2014*.

Please put in the subject line RSVP Chicago.

Hello fellow NCFM Members!

The National Board Meeting has been changed from the Kuempel Men’s Center to the Best Western Hotel in Rosemont near Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

  • Free shuttle to and from Chicago O’Hare Airport and the hotel.
  • Free continental breakfast and hot breakfast upon request.
  • The Best Western is holding 12 rooms for us until August 22nd.
  • The hotel has one restaurant and a cafĂ©.
  • Free parking for those of you driving.
  • Rooms with refrigerator and microwave upon request.
  • There’s full list of amenities and local facilities on their fact-sheet.
  • Call and ask for Halle Long (847) 296-4471; or, check with the front desk. Tell Halle you’re with NCFM. Tell the front desk you are with the National Coalition For Men. If that doesn’t work, try the National Center for Men. It’s a long story.
  • Special NCFM price $105 per night plus 13% tax.
  • Our meeting room (RM 200) holds 20 comfortably and can accommodate up to 30. It has a kitchenette (small refrigerator and microwave) and private bathroom.
  • Nearby activates, some within a short walking distance, include restaurants, a casino, movie theater, bowling alley, sports arena, and other attractions .



Chicago host Tim Goldich, President NCFM Chicago


Best to make all travel preparations ASAP!

If you prefer a different hotel, a Sheraton and Holiday Inn are within easy walking distance of the Best Western.



NOTE: Due to the change of venue, there will be no scheduled speakers Friday night. Non board members can take part at the board meeting.


  • 4:00 to 5:45 p.m.  We’ll meet, great and mingle at the Best Western hotel bar (lounge).
  • At 6:00 p.m. we’ll be shuttled over to the “Rosemont Dining District” for diner. After wards, we have our choice of bowling, movies, Zanies comedy club, and other attractions.


  • 7:00 to 8:15 free continental breakfast with eggs, sausage and pancakes available upon request (at no extra charge).
  • 8:30 a.m. start our board meeting in our meeting room. (We trust 15 minutes between breakfast and the start of our meeting is enough to be on time. We have a lot to do!)
  • 12:45 p.m. Lunch break: sandwich buffet in meeting room provided.
  • 1:30 p.m. Reconvene in our meeting room.
  • 5:30 p.m. break for the day, on your own.


  • 7:00 to 8:15 free breakfast.
  • 8:30 a.m. start our board meeting in our meeting room.
  • 12:00 or earlier our meeting will end so attendees can check out (can ask late checkout from hotel), catch flights home, go into Chicago to see what there is to see, or do whatever they like as long as it’s legal.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Chicago!   All NCFM members are welcome!


2012 Face2Face in NCFM boardroom at our offices in San Diego.

national coalition for men

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One Response to NCFM Chicago Face2Face Board Meeting Venue Changed!

  1. Feminist_Nullificationist on August 7, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    It looks like a great opportunity to be on the cutting edge of men’s and father’s rights issues.

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