cut them at birth male bashing is fun
Cut them at birth. Bloodstain their prize.
Say it looks better. Ignore their cries.
Tell them to man up. Send them to war.
Say they are privileged. Make them want more.
Give them long hours at dangerous chore.
Tell them they’re lucky b/c they “earn more.”
Push them to marry. Tell them they ought.
Then when it’s over, take all they got.
Ignore their issues. Downplay their pain.
Tell them it’s their fault. They are to blame.
Let them die early. Dig them a grave.
Give them some flowers. Say they were brave.
Misandric humor. Male bashing fun.
And don’t dare say they’re the disposable ones.
cut them at birth male bashing is fun
One Response to NCFM Vice-President Marc Angelucci, Esq., cut them at birth male bashing is fun
Marc on June 25, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Falsely accuse them. Send them to jail.
Kick them off campus. One less male.