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NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley, Ph.D, picked for Wallethub panel of experts for “2015’s Best and Worst States for Working Dads”

June 18, 2015


2015's Best and Worst States for Working Dads

NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley

Wallethub studies the worst and best cities for things like families, having a baby, finding a job, and so on. For Father’s Day they decided to find out which states were the best and worst for working Dads. Minnesota is the best and Mississippi the worst.

“Male parenting is not what it once was. Fatherhood has long abandoned its 1960s definition. Back then, families relied on a single income — that of the dad, who spent much of his week at work while the missus stayed home to care for the kids and handle the chores. Today, 60 percent of family households depend on two incomes. And the contemporary dad no longer fits neatly into the standard of the married male breadwinner and disciplinarian.

Regardless of the changing identity and priorities of the modern dad, fatherhood remains an undisputedly tough job. And a father’s ability to provide for his family is central to his role. In fact, nearly 93 percent of dads with kids younger than 18 were employed in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But in some states — where economic opportunity abounds and quality of life is emphasized — dads have it better than others.

In light of Father’s Day, WalletHub analyzed the work-life balance, health conditions, financial well-being and child-rearing environments for working dads in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia across 20 key metrics. Our data set ranges from the unemployment rate for dads with kids younger than 18 to male life expectancy to day care quality.”

To read the rest of the article go to . You will also find fascinating and very revealing charts, an explanation of the methodology, and comments by 16 “experts,” including our own Gordon Finley. Surprisingly, “progressive” states like California are rated poorly.

Well worth the read. Bookmark it as a resource.

National Coalition for MenDads are important. Thank you Wallethub.

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