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NCFM Member Save Our Heroes Project Files Complaint with Tennessee Bar & USDOJ – Army JAG Judge, & Former Prosecutor, LTC Jacob Bashore in the Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers

November 16, 2016

wrongful convictionNCFM Member Save Our Heroes Project Files Complaint with Tennessee Bar & USDOJ – Army JAG Judge, & Former Prosecutor, LTC Jacob Bashore in the Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers


On October 25th, Save Our Heroes’ Project filed a formal complaint with the Tennessee State Bar and the U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division involving the actions of Army JAG judge and former prosecutor, Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Bashore.

Bashore was previously a Special Victims Prosecutor at Fort Campbell Kentucky and was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and appointed as a judge at Fort Hood Texas.

This complaint stems from Bashore’s wrongful prosecution and conviction of Sergeant Mario Jeffers of Fort Campbell, for sexual assault in November of 2015.

save-our-heroes-mario-jeffersAn investigation conducted by Save Our Heroes’ as well as documents obtained in the case, reveal that Sergeant Mario Jeffers had been convicted in a Court-Martial at Fort Campbell Kentucky in November of 2015 for sexual assault.  He was sentenced in a one-day, military judge only trial, to six years of confinement and a dishonorable discharge.

Documents obtained, which include a police report from the Clarksville Tennessee Police Department show that the alleged victim, made a videotaped admission that the sex she had with Sgt. Jeffers was consensual, and that the alleged sexual assault was unfounded and the matter was closed in late summer of 2014.

false accusation

The facts of the investigation reveal that the alleged victim had been having disciplinary problems and was about to be deployed, so about a year after the closure of the case by Clarksville PD, she made the same allegations with officials at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

An Article 32 Hearing (preliminary hearing) convened and the Article 32 Hearing Officer; Captain Patrick Sweeny, concluded that there was insufficient probable cause that Sgt. Jeffers committed any offense, as depicted in the screen shot of the Article 32 report below.

wrongful conviction

Despite these facts of innocence, Special Victim Prosecutor Major (now LTC) Jacob Bashore prosecuted and later convicted Sgt. Jeffers of sexual assault.

This is now the THIRD state bar complaint involving Bashore.  One was filed by defense counsel in the case of Major Kit Martin and another complaint was filed in the cases of Major Kit Martin and Sergeant First Class Kelly Stewart by the National Coalition for Men.  NCFM also supplied a letter of support to the SOH complaint.

wrongful convictionThe wrongful prosecution and conviction of SFC Kelly Stewart by Bashore, was chronicled in a bestselling book ‘Three Days in August’ by Investigative Reporter Bob McCarty.

Besides the applicable Tennessee State Bar Professional Rules of Conduct violations, the NCFM complaint involving Bashore, previously filed, also alleges possible violations of federal law to include:

wrongful conviction

It is explicitly clear that Jacob Bashore is completely void of ethics or conscience; knowingly prosecuting innocent soldiers for sex crimes that never happened.  Bashore has a significant history, and pattern and practice of prosecuting innocent soldiers, to the extent that he has been placed on the “Hall of Shame” of MILITARYCORRUPTION.COM; one of only a handful of corrupt military personnel ever bestowed such a despicable title by MCC.

Jacob Bashore

These alleged violations by Bashore are not mistakes or inadvertent errors in judgment.  They are intentional, malicious, CRIMINAL, and are a stunning revelation of the pattern and practice of the routine railroading of service members for alleged sexual assault allegations, and in this case, even when no crime has been committed.

This is another example of an out of control military judicial system with no accountability or oversight, that is willing to sacrifice falsely accused military men, on the altar of political correctness and to appease the conglomerate of rape hysterics.

national coalition for men

NCFM Member Save Our Heroes Project Files Complaint with Tennessee Bar & USDOJ – Army JAG Judge, & Former Prosecutor, LTC Jacob Bashore in the Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers

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