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NCFM files Department of Education (DOE) gender discrimination complaint against the University of Pennsylvania

August 29, 2018

women studiesThe University of Pennsylvania has over 20 women programs listed in the complaint but nothing similar for men. Although, for men, PENN offers, Men Against Rape & Sexual Assault.

There is no corresponding Women Against Rape & Sexual Assault? Is it possible that PENN’s administration believes women do not rape or commit sexual assault? Really? We’d like to know. We would also like to see balanced programs for men and women, as well as gender inclusive programs, all devoid of misandry, advocacy research and gynocentric ideology.

100621 NCFM Title XI complaint U of Pennsylvania

university of pennsylvania

We thank NCFM Member Kursat Christoff Pekgoz for his scholarly assistance in writing this complaint.

national coalition for men

NCFM files Department of Education (DOE) gender discrimination complaint against the University of Pennsylvania

3 Responses to NCFM files Department of Education (DOE) gender discrimination complaint against the University of Pennsylvania

  1. Seamus Hughes on July 21, 2020 at 11:43 AM

    I’m just coming across this lawsuit and am not a lawyer, so please forgive my ignorance. I am wondering if the remedy you seek is affirmative action so men will be able to comprise 50% of college / grad school cohorts, despite earning lower grades than women in high school or undergrad?

    I have heard anecdotally that colleges are admitting less-qualified men in order to make up incoming freshmen classes closer to equal numbers of men and women. This is because women don’t like the way they outnumber men (mostly for dating purposes) that results from fairly applying admissions criteria to both sexes. Is this suit an attempt to more formally codify such arrangements?

    Appreciate any insights for layperson.

  2. […] takes issue with Penn’s Men Against Rape & Sexual Assault student group. Written in their news brief on their complaint against Penn, the NCFM remarked: “Although, for men, PENN offers, Men Against […]

  3. […] complaints filed to the Department of Education—like one the group recently filed against the University of Pennsylvania—and cases against small businesses that host female-exclusive […]

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