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NCFM Member Tim Patten, The Men’s Revolution

January 11, 2019

Not long ago, 23-year old Zach Hing gained his sea legs in the modern counter-cultural revolution. He tore down ancient rigging, stepped into the crow’s nest, and wielded his keyboard like a swashbuckler, hacking away at anti-male propaganda and the shackles of a society that has long treated men like third-class citizens – and worse.

As soon as he began uploading his “red-pill” videos, he attracted attention, gaining a huge following in a matter of weeks. He spoke openly about seemingly sacrosanct topics such as feminism, the stereotyping of Asian men, and the need for a border wall. In communicating freely and espousing truth, he achieved what he had previously only dreamed of, including, first and foremost, the liberation of his inner voice and the joy of expressing himself uncensored.

In many ways, Zach represents the millions of men who are yearning to be free, who want to know reality as it as, not as others maintain. They are candidates for new pirates who desire a broadside and to leave the land lubbers behind. For eons, young males have been wandering in fear and darkness, told they are woman-beaters, rapists and oppressors, without regard for either their feelings or the facts. Now, one by one, they are seeing the light. They are joining in a rebellion with others of their ilk, rescuing comrades in arms from a fate that is both unjust and undeserved.

A revolution’s beginnings

Knowingly or not, Zach has been red-pilled. As in the cult film, The Matrix, he has awakened to the reality behind a façade that continues to distract those who have not yet reached this point. His voice has joined with that of others, buckos in a noble quest for equality, justice and healthy masculinity.

Sadly, the turnabout has taken much longer than it should. The men’s rights movement first sprouted a new set of wings more than 10 years ago, when the call for new thinking from men’s rights advocates such as Paul Elam ( was taken up by proponents with balls of steel, who began uploading YouTube videos under the pseudonyms “Barbarossa” (bar bar) and “Stardusk” (Thinking-Ape). They raised questions about men’s enslavement by marriage and society’s acceptance and enforcement of such a destructive arrangement.

Others boarded the gangway later on, including a poster delivering a daily dose of red-pill knowledge, by the name of “Sandman.” Together, these brave buccaneers kept speaking out against feminist propaganda with their video swords, slashing one anti-male falsehood after another. Others began to watch and listen enthusiastically, won over to the cause by repeated salvos of honesty, straight-talk and support. Over time, millions were soon swimming with a tide that could not be stopped.

Dubbed “Men Going Their Own Way” (MGTOW), this collective search for truth eventually evolved into something more – a whole new way of thinking and a genuine lifestyle choice. Finally, men were beginning to realize they did not need to succumb to the unfairness and abuse that society was imposing on them. They were deciding in favor of self-determination, where they could choose, if it suited them, life outside the confines of oppressive relationships or without wenches at all.

For many men, the awakening brought on by MGTOW (and other such recognitions) reflected understanding of the evolutionarily-adapted traits that women use against men for their own advantage. They capitalized on differences in biology, benefited themselves at the expense of men, and engaged in reprehensible – and allegedly acceptable – behavior such as hypergamy and making false accusations against males, no matter how much pain and suffering it caused.

Men are wired differently than women

Feminists might say otherwise, but the fact is that men and women vary in many ways. For one thing, biology predisposes females to prioritize socialization, nurturing, and securing their own security and protection. Consequently, they spend lots of time and energy talking and gossiping with other females about males, often with the intention of courting and manipulating them. They bond over discussions of romance, marriage and divorce, and eventually, humiliation, aggression, and sexual and physical assault.

Boys and men, in contrast, are built differently. They are programmed to focus on objects and systems, as well as how they can protect themselves against threats that might arise. When they want to share thoughts and feelings with others, they tend to prefer different sorts of interactions than females do, such as what you might find on the Internet.

Many have also learned the hard way that when discussing certain notions, it is best to do so in an Internet forum and manner that does not expose them to consequences that may extend well beyond relationships they may have with the opposite sex. If they say something – however heartfelt or truthful it may be – that goes against what feminist zealots and others in society believe, they risk suffering all sorts of fallout.

Against this backdrop, it is not surprising that, in the early days, at least, MGTOW communities attracted the attention of those who wanted truths to be told, and those who wanted to hear more about the way things are. However, those with closed minds or who were not the intended audience were often up in arms about such honesty. Many maintained, for instance, that men should stop whining about being the breadwinners; they should just shut up and bring home the bacon.

Lefties attack

For some of them, the real cause for alarm was the threat to self-serving, anti-male agendas. Left-wing radicals, fearing that the fresh and enlightened voices would erode support for their cause, went on the offensive. They labeled MGTOW as a misogynist hate group, bent on abusing male privilege by speaking out. They flagged videos and leveled harsh criticism, which led to videos being removed, shadow banned or restricted; they flooded MGTOW activists with hate mail and “doxed” Barbarossa and others.

As a result, many MGTOW supporters lost friendships, had their careers threatened, and were left with fractured families, largely because of their insidious agendas. The Southern Poverty Law Center foolishly listed MGTOW as a male supremacist hate group. In a sense, this alleged upholder of equality were asserting that since society teaches that men are patriarchal oppressors, misogynists, and rapists, alternative views must, by definition, reflect some an anti-society agenda.

And yet, new sailors’ voices kept joining; discovering a life of liberty; their own Davy Jones’ Locker.

A growing phenomenon

In fact, the MGTOW marvel has been going from strong to sturdier in recent years, gaining adherents and recognition worldwide. Countless thousands of supporters and knowledgeable individuals have posted videos on YouTube and content on other sites that is drawing out ideas from the dark cracks of shame, bigotry and political correctness and into the brightness for all to see.

Even the major media, long sympathetic to feminist and left-wing propaganda, has begun to take note. For example, in late 2018, a segment on the CNN show, This Is Life with Lisa Ling, featured an interview with MGTOW’s Big John and Jerry Liu. Though some criticized the show, maintaining it was only broadcast to attract eyeballs, many felt that MGTOW was fairly presented as a legitimate group of men abhorring discrimination by the legal system and society more broadly.

Set Sail for Full Mainstream

Such developments have helped bolster red-pill awareness in a great many corners. Each day, we hear celebrities and influencers such as Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens and #walkaway advocate Will Witt voicing elements of the MGTOW philosophy. These themes are also echoing from the Intellectual Dark Web, spoken by individuals such as Dave Ruben, Christina Hoff Sommers, Sam Harris, Joe Rogan and Issac Butterfield. More recently, many female YouTubers have also come out in support.

For now, however, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology Jordan Peterson continues to be the most influential public figure speaking out against the cultural war on men and the insidious and pathological theories of patriarchy and rape culture. In defending against this threat, Professor Peterson encourages men to heal themselves with a life of meaning and purpose.


It has been a long road, but a growing number of people, from all walks of life, are doing just that. They are hearing the MGTOW message and turning their backs on inequity. They are no longer keeping silent about male discrimination and tragic abuse. They are waking up to ideas that had once been spoken only in whispers and relishing them, out loud, as their own.

For those of you who have not yet signed on, it is time to seize the moment. In some cases, this may mean emulating Zach Hing, who makes it clear that he has not chosen the MGTOW lifestyle but finds real value in its mission and wisdom. For others, it will be the proverbial moment of truth –when you live the life you deserve and were destined to live. Either way, do not hesitate: stand up tall, raise your sword, and join the rebellion!

About the Author

Tim Patten is the author of MGTOW: Building Wealth and Power, a handy investment guide, and MGTOW: Why I Cheat, a collection of campfire stories for men. His latest book Masculinity Is Our Future is available also in audio format. He has devoted his life’s work to celebrating masculinity and is active in the men’s liberation phenomenon.

national coalition for men

NCFM Member Tim Patten, The Men’s Revolution

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One Response to NCFM Member Tim Patten, The Men’s Revolution

  1. Bill Sanders on February 9, 2019 at 2:55 AM

    Great article, Tim. I am shocked that Harry Crouch allowed this pro-MGTOW and pro-AVFM article to be published on NCFM. When I was a member, I was aggressively opposed by some of the married mangina MRAs for espousing MGTOW ideas.

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