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NCFM Member Major Clarence Anderson files a lawsuit against the Air Force and others for wrongful prosecution in false accusation case

January 22, 2019

false accusation

Major Clarence Anderson filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Air Force, the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, and the 12th Air Force Commander.

The writ was filed on December 23, 2018, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, and highlights how the military judge abused his discretion by ruling he was powerless to order a new trial during Major Anderson’s post-trial hearing and refused to explore the evidence of bribery and perjury which denied him a right to a fair trial.

The writ of mandamus also highlights how the Air Force misled US Congresswoman Martha Roby during Major Anderson’s post-trial hearing and how the Air Force also withheld exculpatory evidence from Major Anderson’s counsel that could have proven his innocence.

Major Anderson is requesting a federal judge to either overturn his conviction due to fraud being committed on the court that prejudiced the proceedings against him, order a new trial, or at a minimum order a new post-trial hearing.

When he orders a new trial, another post-trial hearing, or dismisses the charges outright, this will prove the Air Force mislead a member of Congress and will give Major Anderson justification for US Senator Doug Jones to have the FBI investigate the Department of Defense and Major Anderson’s ex-wife and her mom for their involvement.

Major Anderson was recently interviewed by local TV station which you can watch at the link below.

national coalition for men

NCFM Member Major Clarence Anderson files a lawsuit against the Air Force and others for wrongful prosecution in false accusation case

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