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NCFM Adviser Eric Nelson, Ph.D, Documentary Film Review of Behind The Gate

May 21, 2021
Behind the Gate

Journalist Faces 20 Years in Prison for Investigating Corruption at Fla. Women’s Shelter

What happens when an investigative reporter interviews DV shelter workers and residents on camera–and uncovers a swamp of questionable activity?

Tom Lemons, formerly of Real News Real Fast, did just that in his film “Behind The Gate.”  Lemons documents prostitution, filth, child abuse, drugs, and shelter staff who teach homeless women to claim they are victims of domestic violence so they can get free room and board.  A former worker confesses, “I am guilty of answering that hotline and selling a program that did not exist.”  As the film notes, a Salvation Army shelter gets 14 police visits per year, whereas, Dawn Shelter in Hernando county, Florida in gets almost 200.

Erin Pizzey, who founded the first women’s shelter anywhere in the world, says in the film, “Shelters are money making machines…. there are huge salaries… it is a pot of gold.”  The film raises questions regarding a local Sheriff, judge, commissioner, and a state representative because of their involvement with Dawn Center, describing it as good for their political careers and thus giving them an incentive to overlook the problems uncovered by Lemons.

Lemon is paying dearly for this expose.  Dawn Center is suing him and he is being prosecuted for depositing a check for work he performed before selling Real News Real Fast, something he describes as a trumped up charge and “payback.”

See the movie here:

Behind The Gate © 2021 Tom Lemons

Additional Reading

PJ Media   Unschooling   Threadreader   Bit Chute

Tom’s Facebook page  click here

Go Fund Me page  click here

NCFM would like to hear from shelter workers who are willing to share insider knowledge about waste, fraud, abuse and dirty dealings in the shelter industry.  Contact

Eric Nelson, Ph.D., is the author of “The Judicial War On Men”, “Toxic Feminism”, and “Recovering From Toxic Masculinity Training” (

NCFM NOTE: Please send an email to with information about corruption in domestic violence shelters or programs. We are interested in names and hard evidence.

national coalition for men

NCFM Adviser Eric Nelson, Ph.D, Documentary Film Review of Behind The Gate

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