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NCFM Board Member Ray Blumhorst, My Last Visit With Marc Angelucci

July 10, 2021

Angel in the Stars. Art by Charlie Anthony Fink

My Last Visit with Marc Angelucci

For Los Angelinos, it’s always nice to get out of the smog and congestion of the city and spend time in the surrounding mountains so when the 2019 NCFM board meeting was scheduled at a spot in the San Bernardino mountains at an elevation of 4600 feet, it was time to combine the business of NCFM with the pleasure of being in the mountains.  Little did I know the tragedy that would occur there only months away in 2020.

After hours of meeting over the business of NCFM, attendees retreated to their accommodations for the weekend then pursued the leisure of the evening.  I’d brought a small telescope and Alt/Az mount with me to see what the evening sky might have in store in the clear and clean mountain air on a pleasantly mild Saturday night in mid-September.  We were not disappointed even though there was a brightly lit Moon that evening.  The Moon was 99% illuminated (almost full) at an altitude of 21º in the SE sky.  The planets Saturn and Jupiter were clearly visible even though tall pine trees occasionally required moving the telescope.  Saturn was at an altitude of 31º in the southern sky and Jupiter was at an altitude of 18º in the SW sky.  Jupiter was the first to disappear behind trees, but Saturn and the Moon remained visible longer.

Marc Angelucci

Needless to say, observers were pleased by the sights seen through the small telescope.  Even a few locals stopped and took a look.  They too appeared pleased at the magnificent rings of Saturn and the impressive rings bands of Jupiter.

Marc Angelucci

Marc and I chatted as we enjoyed the time together under the heavens and I can’t even remember that much of what we talked about.  Other than details about the planets Saturn and Jupiter and the many features of the Moon, it was mostly just small talk like old friends often engage in.

Marc Angelucci

The next day the NCFM board met again to go over NCFM business.  At the end of the day I departed for home, not staying for the evening’s Karaoke at a local club.  That weekend was the last time I saw my dear friend Marc Angelucci who did so much in the world of law and elsewhere to make for a better life for myself and all men.

After an all night session of imaging in my backyard July 10 into July 11, 2020, I posted images to my Facebook page.  The morning of July 11th Marc left a thumbs up to my post.  That afternoon he was brutally murdered in an act of depravity that still hurts me greatly when any thought of it unexpectedly, and too frequently, pops into my mind.  I have always found peace and calm in the infinite depths of space that I observe through my telescope and now use it as a crutch to help ease this pain.  I pray Marc is resting in peace.  He is still greatly loved by those who have been robbed of him.  My heart is broken at his tragic loss and shall forever be.  Be at peace my friend, my brother.  Your work is done, but ours shall go on – never forgetting yours…


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NCFM Board Member Ray Blumhorst, My Last Visit With Marc Angelucci

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7 Responses to NCFM Board Member Ray Blumhorst, My Last Visit With Marc Angelucci

  1. Al Rava on September 1, 2021 at 12:23 PM

    There will never be another like Marc.

    • NCFM on September 3, 2021 at 6:17 AM

      Too true Mr. Rava

  2. Fred Sottile on July 12, 2021 at 10:13 PM

    How can Marc be gone?
    And for no good reason.
    I still can’t believe it.
    Marc had the capacity to make you believe that you and he were best friends.
    And imagine, he did it effortlessly and with so so many.
    He always made me feel so special, special to him, and great to be who I am.
    He leaves a legacy of love and friendship.
    Marc Angelucci, just one of the best.

  3. Peter Allemano on July 12, 2021 at 6:24 AM

    Thank you, Ray, for sharing your remembrance. I miss Marc too–very much!

    • Andrea on July 13, 2021 at 11:51 AM

      I was in Los Angeles with Marc Angelucci shortly before his death. Still feels surreal. We were sitting across from our friend Dr Susan Spell and Marc and I were discussing getting an office together. He was interested in sponsoring me as a lawyer, and I was just about to start Law School. He was also very supportive of my advocacy work and followed and commented on California Family Advocacy writings. I joined this group in support of my friend Marc because I know he loves the group and that it meant so very much to him.

      I am discouraged that the investigation into his death has been buried and covered up. The eye witness at the door of the shooting was Marcs roommate whom several people have confirmed he described the shooter as a dark middle eastern looking man. A description very different from the man accused of this murder. Very very unsettling.

      • Stanley Green on July 14, 2021 at 7:04 AM

        Andrea, I share your concerns that the dominant story does not match some of the facts and eyewitness testimony. I have been in touch with others close to the case Marc was working on at the time of the assassination.
        I hope this gets my email address to you; I would like to hear from you.

  4. Tim A Goldich on July 11, 2021 at 1:11 PM

    Beautiful sentiments for a beautiful man!

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