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Marc Angelucci, Esq.

Marc E. Angelucci is a practicing attorney who has taken on high profile cases involving paternity fraud and male victims of domestic violence in CaliforniaHe graduated phi beta kappa from U.C Berkeley in 1996 with a B.A. in Philosophy and received a J.D. from UCLA School of Law in 2000 where he received several public interest awards and founded two student bar associations.

He joined NCFM as a law student in 1997 after seeing his friend physically abused for years by his wife and then denied domestic violence services because he is male. In 2001 he formed the L.A. chapter of NCFM and served as its president until 2008, during which time NCFM-LA became an active chapter that organized rallies, filed lawsuits and received significant media attention.

Angelucci has worked as a family law attorney for the Men’s Legal Center in San Diego. He also has experience in mental health law, poverty law, appellate advocacy and construction litigation.

In 2008 he won a landmark appellate case against the State of California (Woods v. Horton) which held it is unconstitutional to exclude male victims of domestic violence from state funding for victim services. He also helped draft and enact legislation to stop paternity fraud, served on the California DCSS Paternity Committee, served on the Training Committee of the L.A. County Domestic Violence Council, and testified before the California Senate and Assembly Judiciary committees.The Southern Poverty Law Center invited him to be an Honoree on their Wall of Tolerance, co-sponsored by Rosa Parks and Morris Dees.

He has appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, Phil Donahue, John and Ken and other radio and media, has been quoted numerous times in the the Daily Journal and other newspapers and has published op-eds in the L.A. Times and elsewhere on men’s issues.

51 Responses to Marc Angelucci, Esq.

  1. Jon B. Davidson on July 1, 2021 at 3:26 PM

    I am a certified paralegal from the PCC program.

    The last law class I took at PCC was Family Law with Professor Angelucci. I had previously graduated with a paralegal certificate, but returned to further my legal training. Mr. Angelucci went above and beyond to help the students, made himself available by email or in person, and was supportive in every aspect. As a class project, I chose to view a recommended DVD by Mr. Angelucci and write a report on it, called “Divorce Corp”, which details the devastating money-making legal enterprise of lawyers setting divorcing couples against each other, resulting in financial devastation for both parties, to the benefit of the legal system. It was shocking and eye-opening, and revealed some real villains in the legal system. I highly recommend it, as it set me on a path towards advocating for judicial reform.
    Mr. Angelluci wasn’t just for protecting men’s rights; he was for protecting the rights of All people who get caught up in the legal system, with no protection for their personal or legal rights. He inspired me to fight for justice more than any other law teacher I had.

    • NCFM on July 2, 2021 at 8:57 AM

      Thank you. That is the way we remember Marc too…

    • Jennifer Johnson on July 7, 2021 at 12:47 PM

      Thank you for writing this… Marc is still frequently on my mind. He was representing me in my appeal and was like my big brother- always looking out for the underdog. If any of you lawyers would be willing to help me with my case…. Marc believed it was a slam dunk. Please let me know

    • Tammy Flathers on May 5, 2023 at 9:37 AM

      I seen 48 hours and was compelled to try and find out if there is still an organization helping fathers through nasty long drawn out divorce

      • NCFM on May 5, 2023 at 12:47 PM

        NCFM is still involved with Kit’s situation and one other. Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources for anymore.

  2. Brian Lewin on July 22, 2020 at 11:04 PM

    Marc was a great guy who did great work. I had him for two paralegal courses at PCC, including one that finished just last month. I enjoyed both, and hearing about all of his men’s rights and other advocacy and appellate work. He had done so much, and clearly had so much more he wanted to do. I am sad for him, for his lost opportunities, and for all of us, for losing his bright future and assistance in improving our society.

    • JS on July 24, 2020 at 6:18 PM

      I was a student of Mr.Angelucci’s at PCC as well. He was a great teacher and his passion for the law was contagious. I am deeply saddened by the loss, he was going to do big thing.

    • Jon Davidson on June 30, 2021 at 11:47 PM

      The last law class I took at PCC was Family Law with Professor Angelucci. I had previously graduated with a paralegal certificate, but returned to further my legal training. Mr. Angelucci went above and beyond to help the students, made himself available by email or in person, and was supportive in every aspect. As a class project, I chose to view a recommended DVD by Mr. Angelucci and write a report on it, called “Divorce Corp”, which details the devastating money-making legal enterprise of lawyers setting divorcing couples against each other, resulting in financial devastation for both parties, to the benefit of the legal system. It was shocking and eye-opening, and revealed some real villains in the legal system. I highly recommend it, as it set me on a path towards advocating for judicial reform.
      Mr. Angelluci wasn’t just for protecting men’s rights; he was for protecting the rights of All people who get caught up in the legal system, with no protection for their personal or legal rights. He inspired me to fight for justice more than any other law teacher I had.

  3. Murdered – Mountain Dreamers on July 15, 2020 at 1:40 AM

    […] because he advocated for fathers… […]

    • Pippenpippen on July 20, 2020 at 2:34 PM

      Is there a connection between him and the other men’s rights attorney who committed suicide and has been implicated in a murder of a judge’s son in New Jersey? Same M-o, fake delivery man.

      This is like a John Grisham film.

      • Andy on July 22, 2020 at 2:17 PM

        Who knew

      • Masculist Man on July 28, 2020 at 3:32 AM

        Is there a connection between him and the other men’s rights attorney who committed suicide and has been implicated in a murder of a judge’s son in New Jersey?

        That is what the media is trying to insinuate but I have my doubts. The media theory is way too pat for me to accept. It is like an orchestrated plot. Both Marc Angelucci and Roy Den Hollander are dead. Make the claim that Roy Den Hollander murdered Marc Angelucci and it’s case closed. That is not only way too convenient but it allows anyone else involved to escape justice.

        • NCFM on July 28, 2020 at 8:20 AM

          If others are involved that may be true, but it assumes some widespread well executed conspiracy. Thus far there is no evidence to support such a notion, at least none of which we are aware.

      • Shelli Cater on August 17, 2020 at 4:46 PM

        Yes! They are all connected. Follow the bread crumbs.

    • Sam on July 22, 2020 at 11:51 AM

      He was not murdered “because he advocated for fathers”. Similarly, feminists had nothing to do with it – he was murdered because he was perceived to be a too moderate by a mentally ill nemesis who was an anti-feminist himself and so consumed with hate that after murdering Mr. Angelucci he killed a judge and then himself.

      • Masculist Man on July 28, 2020 at 3:39 AM

        That is the narrative the media is selling.

      • Shelli Cater on August 17, 2020 at 4:48 PM

        Wrong answer. He was murdered because he was exposing corruption in the court. He was on a high profile case of fraud and extortion by the judge.

        • Jennifer Johnson on July 7, 2021 at 12:48 PM


    • Andy on July 22, 2020 at 2:16 PM

      Weirdo papa

  4. […] COUNTY, CA – They say the wheels of justice turn slow, but for Jerry Cox and his attorney Marc Angelucci, the wheels of justice have been flattened at every turn by a state justice system no longer blind […]

  5. Saneel on April 2, 2020 at 9:34 AM

    I need help to in Maryland on false accusations. Thanks

    • NCFM on April 3, 2020 at 11:06 AM

      You are welcome to call us: 619-231-1909…

  6. […] Marc Angelucci—an attorney and NCFM board member—told TPM that the OCR is taking steps in the right direction.  […]

    • Quoc Pham on January 19, 2020 at 3:49 AM

      Andalucci would go to any length to make a buck or headline. Now he has latched on to child removal cases, but before he gets in too deep he needs to learn the term Due Process

    • Rebecca Zulaf on February 8, 2020 at 1:16 AM

      Urgent please contact me Rebecca zulauf I am involved with crg and they are still in my property supposed to be $40,000 in repairs and they took my $700,000 house that I paid on for 35 years 619-448-5999 please help me please at least call me

  7. Jasta on May 2, 2019 at 3:31 PM

    Why do you hate women so much?

    • NCFM on May 3, 2019 at 2:35 PM

      Why are you so ignorant? Insulting isn’t it. We don’t hate women. Many of our supporters and members are women, including our Treasurer. And, just in case you have difficulty reading too, our mission statement, which you can find on all pages of our website, is: “Since 1977, NCFM has been committed to ending harmful discrimination and stereotypes against boys, men, their families and the women who love them.
      We are a gender inclusive, nonpartisan, ethnically diverse organization that effects civil rights reform through advocacy, education, outreach, services and litigation. So, exactly how is it that you figure we hate women? We strongly suggest that you spend more time understanding our organization, our issues and our members before making more ignorant remarks. You may wish to look up the difference between the word “ignorance” and “stupid” too, just make sure you know the difference…

    • Marc on September 19, 2019 at 1:03 PM

      Wow, you are incredibly stupid, Jasta.

    • Domenico Schiafalà on July 13, 2020 at 7:23 AM

      Why do you hate men so much, Jasta?

  8. Annie on February 27, 2019 at 5:04 AM

    What a bunch of snowflakes. Why don’t you fight for ERA or equal pay as well? Because, awwww poor men, they get the shaft every time, right?

    Oh, and you DIDN’T WIN with your bs case, so.. byeeee

    • NCFM on February 27, 2019 at 10:21 AM


      Well, if you spend a bit more time learning about us rather than defaming snow you will find that for the past 40 years we have been huge supporters of equal rights and equal pay for equal work; and, we still are. Some of us, including me, believe strongly that the first ERA should have been approved by the states and ratified by Congress. Had that happened I would not have to waste time typing about inclement weather and ridiculous assumptions from people who have no idea what they are talking about. And, we did win. You should read the court decision. The judge clearly ruled the MSSS system is unconstitutional. Just in case you are somehow implying that because the court did not stop the MSSS with an injuctive relief order does not make the system constitutionally viable. To be more clear, we, NCFM have absolutely no position on whether the MSSS system should continue or be shut down. Not our issue. Not our concern. In case of armed conflicts our government will figure out other ways to put our citizens in harms way. You, like many others, miss the point. Frankly, I’m tired of explaining it (them). So, if you are interested in doing more than goading us because of your ignorance, we suggest you do your homework, learn the truth and comment based on facts rather than emotional drivel.

      • Shane on February 17, 2021 at 9:00 PM

        We have the late Phylis Schlafly to thank for killing the original ERA.

        • NCFM on February 20, 2021 at 11:35 AM

          True. Had the ERA passed men would have been much better off…

    • Jerry on March 4, 2019 at 9:43 PM

      Wow, you sound like a real idiot! And we DID win the case, I guess you’re too stupid to read it.

    • Charles Bailey on May 22, 2019 at 4:28 PM

      Poor snowflakes we men are
      97% of alimony paid by men
      75% of suicide
      99% plus of men die in war

      Why don’t you come over to our side and see if you don’t lose your mind with the pressure we endure and the sacrifice it takes to be a man.

      Women that have transgendered to men complain how hard it is for them. A.woman did a 3 month study dressed and acting as a man. She nearly lost her mind from the pressure.

      Men work longer, harder, dirtier, life risking jobs in order to keep this country functional for you unpleasable entitled beings. Far be it from you to break a nail or risk your life.

      You women are soooooo awesome and yet soooooo unhappy that you file 75% of divorces so you can rape a man in court to take his money, freedom, children, careers and even our lives. Yep, rape culture is alive and well and women rape men through the court system with no conscience nor remorse.

      Talk about snowflakes. Women just camouflage those snowflakes as crocodile tears…

      The fact is a woman can get together with a very wealthy man and become a queen. A man can get together with a wealthy woman and he’s using her. Women file false rape claims in devastating numbers and when proven false a mans life is ruined yet her lies have no consequences. Women take a man’s condom and gets herself pregnant without his consent and takes his money in court with no consequences. That’s a literal definition of rape. Part of my body wis forced inside your body without my consent. So you rape a man and get paid for it.

      Women are entitled creatures that men have allowed to be privileged without recourse for bad behavior and no responsibility for the balance of privelage just like the rights you were given to vote and yet you didn’t have to serve in the military.

      Grow up princes

  9. […] Marc Angelucci, the named attorney representing plaintiff in the case and attorney for National Coalition for Men, a nonprofit men’s rights organization; he is also an adjunct professor of business at Pasadena City College  […]

    • Matthew Feehan on February 26, 2019 at 12:28 PM

      Congrats on your win Mr. Angelucci! I look forward to the Commission’s response.

  10. […] Marc Angelucci, NCFM’s lawyer, told PJ Media he does not know whether or not the Selective Service will appeal. “I don’t think they’ll win an appeal,” he said. […]

  11. Dick Morris on February 24, 2019 at 7:38 AM

    Great win, just now, Marc!

  12. Martin Boer on October 5, 2018 at 11:03 AM

    hey just wondering if you have anything in canada like the cafe group in collages that are now in canada and the light house projects helping men with false accusations but do you know any soild mens rights lawyers that would help me with my family court case in canada vancouver bc area my child moved 900km away to nelson bc where they denie services till i forced child protectoon services to do there job what groups are there to help and im a vetted indviudal

    • NCFM on October 5, 2018 at 11:44 AM

      Hi Martin,

      No, we can’t help you with the lawyer referral. However, CAFE does excellent work and if anyone would know of someone who may be able to help you it should be CAFE. We are not familiar with the Light House Projects.

    • edward docherty on January 26, 2019 at 6:10 AM

      Dear Mr. Angelucci,

      I am a 73 year old ex-draftee with five granddaughters. My last name is Docherty pronounced like Liberty. I have been against the draft for anyone for many years. I did not go to Vietnam but I feel that I have a form of PTSD stress because I was forced into the Army. The draft is unconstitutional! Which part of involuntary servitude doesn’t the courts understand? Thanks for your efforts.

  13. […] The lawsuit, filed by California lawyer Marc Angelucci, challenges the SSS’s policy of requiring that all United States men sign up for the draft. According to federal law, all men must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday or face a variety of penalties. […]

    • Alexander Fisher on December 26, 2018 at 9:08 AM

      How is this lawsuit proceeding i cant find any news about what should be a historic case is the fight still ongoing? can we expect a win?

      • NCFM on December 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM

        It’s pending in the Texas court. The Attorney General’s last response did not challenge any of our arguments. The AG only said that the Court should let Congress decide. We anticipate a decision soon.

  14. kent campfield on April 14, 2016 at 1:42 PM

    Marc, Unbelievable that your against women driving women, Chariot For Women.
    How can this be sexist when this could be saving women from getting attacked. It almost happened to my daughters friend. Safety is first and I’m guessing you don’t have a daughter. I think if you had a daughter and she was sexually attacked you would change your mind. I imagine this is an male ego thing for you. Oh well, I’d rather see people safe than to be sorry in the end!!!!!!

    • Marc on August 8, 2017 at 10:08 PM

      Kent, apparently you didn’t pay attention. I have no problem with women driving women. What I oppose is a business refusing to hire or serve men. That is sex discrimination in public a accommodation and it violates the Unruh Civil Rights Act. .

      • Lorraine J Freeman on June 18, 2020 at 12:49 AM

        Marc, we have some information about the credibility of Sarah Williamson or her agents in the Planning Department of Mariposa County. They are outright lying. This may be useful to Jerry Cox’s case. Please email me.

  15. Thomas Friedrích on August 14, 2012 at 1:45 AM


    In Germany we have currently a large debate about the permissibility of circumcision by Muslims and Jews.
    Hundreds of scientists have turned in a letter to the Chancellor, asking children to forbid circumcision.
    Circumcision is definitely more disadvantages than advantages!
    These arguments can also be useful for your work!

    Here is the letter:

    (Please translate him by internet)


    Thomas Friedrich

  16. Iman Manni on March 18, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    No court system or service should have the right to remove children from a home of a peaceful, caring, parent based on corrupt rulings made by the party with the most money. Facts and evidence are not enough in Family Law. That is a tragedy. These actions affect the children first and most severely. Our children are worth more than that. Some of us pay the ultimate price. Get the corruption out of our family court system.

  17. @carrollstraus on January 13, 2012 at 9:24 AM

    It has driven me crazy for YEARS that the 'received wisdom" is only men are abusers. NOT SO!!

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