Richard Driscoll, PhD/Psychologist/Author
Knoxville, Tennessee
E-mail: rdnd at theOppositeSex dot com
Telephone: 865-690-09620 x106
Dr. Driscoll has produced several anxiety reduction training CDs, including “Personal Shielding to Deflect Hostility,” “Tame Test Anxiety,” and “Blast Past Road Page.”
He is especially interested in fatherhood and in stabilizing relationships. He has recently published “You Still Don’t Understand,” with Nancy Ann Davis (website: The authors identify substantial differences between men and women, explore their origins, and to suggest ways to bridge our differences.
Mr. Driscoll observes that human nature is innately chivalrous, supporting and protecting women while holding men accountable. Our chivalrous natures introduce qualifications on how men can and cannot succeed in attaining more equal rights. As sympathies ordinarily go toward women, most men find themselves on the losing end of arguments against women.
Instead, Mr. Driscoll believes, we must show that fair and equal treatment is in the best interest of men, women, and children, and that families and the broader community thrive when men are treated fairly and stay involved, but flounder when men are maligned and cast aside. Indeed, research shows that marriages are more stable and children are better off when men have more equal parenting rights.
“My parents divorced when I was about 12,” notes Mr. Driscoll, “and my mother was extremely bitter and arranged things so that we had no contact at all with our father. I have forgiven her by now, but well after she died and not nearly soon enough. I must surmise that these rocky experiences helped instill in me a passion to figure out relationships and to preserve the children.”
Richard Driscoll offers free consultation on ways to rise above chivalry and focus instead on benefits to family and community.
Mr. Driscoll lives with his wife and psychology partner Nancy Davis, and they have three grown children.
Is the case in marriages that men only win one third of arguments with their wives