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NCFM VP Marc Angelucci’s article “Rihanna-Brown incident an example of double standards in attitudes toward partner abuse” published in L.A. Wave

March 19, 2009

L.A. Wave Newspaper, which focuses on the African-American community in Los Angeles, prints op ed by NCFM board member: “Rihanna-Brown incident an example of double standards in attitudes toward partner abuse.” “If anything can be learned from the recent violence between Chris Brown and Rihanna, it is the sheer double standard that male victims...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, Uncategorized | No Comments »

Reproductive Rights

January 11, 2009
sperm in space

Men’s reproductive rights include issues such as false paternity claims or paternity fraud, adoption rights, abortion, rights over frozen embryos, choice for men, etc. The American Association of Blood Banks reports that, out of 300,000 DNA paternity tests performed annually, 30% exclude the man as the biological dad. Over 70% of paternity judgments in...
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January 11, 2009

The American Journal of Public Health (5/03) has declared that men are in a “silent health crisis.” Almost every chronic illness affects men more often than women. Men account for 80-95% of homeless adults, job deaths and suicide deaths, are more likely than women to have mental disabilities but less likely to be treated...
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Domestic Violence

January 11, 2009
Domestic Violence

NO LESS than 35% of domestic violence victims are male victims. So why do virtually all government, corporate, nonprofit, and private donation money for  domestic violence money go to women? Male victims of domestic violence have been seriously neglected in public policy, outreach and services. But they are not rare at all. They’re just...
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Posted in Issues | 104 Comments »

False Accusations of Rape

January 11, 2009
False Accusations of Rape

Almost every month we read of another man freed from prison because the false accusations that caused their incarceration were later proven false or a woman recanted. Even if there is no conviction, a false allegation of rape emotionally, socially, and economically destroys a person and their immediate and often extended families. False accusations of...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Dowry Laws, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Issues, Media Bias, Men's Rights, Myths, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault | 260 Comments »

NCFM Twin Cities Chapter at Education Minnesota conference

November 23, 2008
NCFM Twin Cities Chapter at Education Minnesota conference

In October, the Twin Cities Chapter of NCFM had a booth at the annual conference of Education Minnesota, the state teachers association. This conference is always one of our busiest events. For the fifth straight year, we distributed literature about the school system’s bias against boys, and articles with suggestions on how the school...
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NCFM speaks at UCLA School of Law for 4th year in a row

November 11, 2008

On November 10, 2008, UCLA School of Law invited NCFM attorney Marc Angelucci to be a guest speaker for the fourth year in a row to students in a Human Rights and Sexual Politics seminar.  As always, he discussed the history and basic philosophy of NCFM and the men’s movement in general, briefly covering issues of such as fathers’ rights, male victims...
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NCFM members speak out at L.A. City Domestic Violence Council

November 11, 2008

On November 10, 2008, five NCFM members and several male victims of domestic violence attended and spoke out at the Los Angeles City Domestic Violence Council’s monthly meeting about male victims of domestic violence and NCFM’s  recent appellate victory in Woods v. Shewry.  There were a few heated exchanges but for the most part things went smoothly. ...
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NCFM wins landmark appellate victory for battered men!!

October 16, 2008

On 10/14/08, NCFM won a landmark victory for battered men in the appellate case of Woods v. Shewry, originally filed by NCFM back in 2005.  The California Court of Appeal (4th District) ruled that it is unconstitutional to exclude male victims of domestic violence from state-funded programs because it violates men’s constitutional right to equal protection. ...
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