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NCFM Win for Jerry Cox, false accuser denied and more political antics in Mariposa County

August 2, 2019

For those of you following Jerry’s situation you know that it involves several legal cases, including one involving Ashley Harris, the woman who over two years ago falsely accused Jerry of sexual assault. Her allegations cost Jerry $50,000 for a bail bond to get out of jail, his reputation, his business and facilitated subsequent...
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NCFM files Amicus Brief for Member Alexander Baker, J.D., – Men’s Rights and Rosa Parks

August 2, 2019

NCFM NOTE: NCFM filed an amicus brief on behalf of NCFM Member Alexander Baker’s lawsuit against vague definitions of domestic violence. All too often such vagueness is used to issue protective orders against innocent men which in turn strips them of thier dignity, children, property, livelihood and even their life by suicide. Below is...
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NCFM Member Jerry Cox case update, “Cox case just keeps on going”

July 26, 2019

NCFM NOTE: The proverbial worm turned. Judge Walton stayed the sale of Jerry’s land,  it looks like Receiver Adams lost his unnamed buyer and Walton let NCFM attorney Angelucci have his vacation in Hawaii! All good, now Jerry has time to find a real buyer. We’re still guessing that the unnamed buyer doesn’t exist...
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NCFM Adviser Gordon E. Finley, PhD., Narratives aren’t science

July 24, 2019

NCFM NOTE: How does junk science relate to men’s issues, women studies, domestic violence statistics, sexual assault data and false accusations? Think about it… By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – – Tuesday, July 23, 2019 ANALYSIS/OPINION: Of the many tragedies that have befallen our society in recent decades, in my view the one that most...
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NCFM Member Tim Patten, What Do Men Need Women For?

July 14, 2019

  It is common knowledge that most women are disappointed by our unwillingness or inability to maintain satisfactory relationships with them. In fact, more than a few are downright disgusted by our so-called disability. Not surprisingly, they regularly make their feelings on the subject known to others. They express frustrations or compare notes with...
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NCFM’s Mr. Manners Critiques Ms. Manner’s E. Jean Carroll

July 11, 2019

Until recently, I had no intention to write about the claim made by advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, that she was raped by Donald Trump in either 1995 or 1996. But a few sentences in columns in the Washington Post helped change that. One was by Molly Roberts. She quoted Carroll as saying; “most...
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