In Canada the Family of Men Support Society was awarded a government grant to help operate its mens refuge. This is a historical first in Canada!
Earl Silverman has dedicated much of his life to making this happen. At the bottom of this post is an address for sending donations. NCFM San Diego is sending $100 and I hope you will too. What follows my name is from John Dias.
Harry Crouch, President
On behalf of the entire international men’s rights movement, I want to congratulate and hold up as an example a fine brother in Canada named Earl Silverman. He runs an organization known as MASH4077 (“Men’s Alternative Safe House”), which is a domestic violence shelter that assists male victims of domestic violence.
This past week, Earl Silverman’s DV shelter in Calgary announced that it took in and housed its first male victim that had been both referred and funded by a $1,000 grant from the local provincial government. This is a huge deal in Canada. For the first time, a Canadian government agency has recognized male victimization from female-perpetrated violence, funded a male victim with a grant, and referred him to a shelter that it recognizes as legitimate and worthy of funding. Outstanding, Earl Silverman. I hope that the man who sought out your help is able to pick up his life and carry on, and thanks to your help and the assistance of the provincial government he has a solid shot at doing just that.
This milestone was announced on two different Canadian radio programs, which are attached to this message as MP3 files, or downloaded at the following URLs. Please give it a listen, and also spread the word:
Broadcast #1, March 24, 2011:
Audio Player
Broadcast #2, March 24, 2011:
Audio Player
Please donate
<http://www.familyofmen.ca/index.php?pr=Contributions_Accepted> to this DV shelter. They’re the ONLY shelter of their kind — a residential shelter and not a hotel — for male victims of female-perpetrated violence in Canada. Almost all other shelters that admit male victims in Canada assist only victims of male-perpetrated violence — namely women and gay males — but they turn away heterosexual male victims of female-perpetrated violence.
Half a billion Canadian dollars are distributed to DV shelters for victims that are women and gay men each year. But now, with this grant, heterosexual male victims have a $1000 of that.
Make that their first thousand.
Despite the significance of this grant, it is barely enough. So I am asking that you — yes, you personally — send a donation right now to this shelter and assist them with whatever amount of money you can send. They deserve it, they need it, and if they can succeed then I think that over time it’s likely their success will be replicated throughout the country.
Make your donation checks payable to “Family of Men Support Society.”
#302, 635, 56th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2V 0G9
Thank you so much for your support. And again, don’t forget to spread
the word. Congratulations, Earl Silverman. Well done.
John Dias
Founder, Misandry Review
I hope that the government's future support will include a respectable interest rate.
Congratulations and thank you Earl for all the great work you do!